About Military OneSource

Confidential Services

Military OneSource is a confidential Department of Defense-funded program providing comprehensive information on every aspect of military life at no cost to active duty, Guard and Reserve Component members, and their families. Information includes, but is not limited to, deployment, reunion, relationship, grief, spouse employment and education, parenting and childhood, and much more.

Military OneSource has policy and programmatic information, helpful resources, products, articles and tips on numerous topics related to military life. Confidential services are available 24 hours a day by telephone and online. In addition to the website support, Military OneSource offers confidential call center and online support for consultations on a number of issues such as spouse education and career opportunities, issues specific to families with a member with special needs, health coaching, financial support, and resources.

Military OneSource also offers confidential non-medical counseling services online, via telephone, or face to face. Eligible individuals may receive confidential non-medical counseling addressing issues requiring short-term attention, including everyday stressors, deployment and reintegration concerns, parenting, grief and loss, and marital problems as well as assistance with financial management, taxes, career services, health and wellness, and much more. This personalized support is available 24/7 no matter where you live or serve.

Learn more about our services:

Personal Non-medical Counseling:

Military OneSource Specialty Consultations:

Free educational materials on topics including parenting, deployment, service member education, spouse education and career opportunities, non-medical counseling, and many more.

Learn more about our services in the following articles, Military OneSource as a Leadership Tool and What Military OneSource Can Do for You.

Link to Military OneSource

Links to the Military OneSource website are permitted. The fact that a website links to Military OneSource does not indicate that the Department of Defense has any responsibility for the content of that site, nor does it constitute an endorsement of that site by the Department.

When linking to Military OneSource, please use the following text:

"Military OneSource is provided by the Department of Defense at no cost to active duty, Guard, and Reserve service members (regardless of activation status), and their families. It is a virtual extension of installation services. Visit Military OneSource today or call 800-342-9647.

Military OneSource Logo and Word Mark

The Military OneSource logo and word mark are official graphical identifiers of the Department of Defense's Military OneSource program and are meant for official use only to represent the Department's official position.  They may be used to recognize funding or official support by the Department if the usage has proper qualifying language to explain its presence on non-Department of Defense or Military OneSource materials and it is reviewed and explicitly approved by the Department. They cannot be used in a manner that has an implied or explicit endorsement of any private company, service, or product.

A federal Department of Defense employee may use the graphical identifiers on official Department of Defense media, employing proper discretion that the usage is appropriate.  If you are an employee of the Department and you need to access the artwork please visit our media page.

If you are not a federal employee of the Department, or you want to use the Military OneSource logo or word mark by a non-federal, non-Department of Defense entity, or use the artwork in a manner that does not constitute the Department's official position but may represent Department of Defense funding or other support, we need to gather information to fully review your desired usage and determine if it is appropriate as well as what kind of conditions may be needed to qualify/explain its usage. This process may take days or longer depending on the details of the desired usage and the immediate availability of the authorities involved.  Please start the Request for Permission to Use the Military OneSource Logo or Word Mark by responding to the initial questions below, and sending them to MC&FP Public Affairs. This is not an on-demand, dedicated service, so please allow at least several working days for your request to be addressed.  Once we have your initial information we will review it and see if we have further questions.  Once we have all the information we need, it still takes a few days to go through the final executive review.

Request for Permission to Use the Military OneSource Logo or Word Mark (Official Graphical Identifiers)

The Manager of Content Operations is the designee for approving usages of the Military OneSource graphical logo or word mark by entities external to the Department or purposes other than standard official usages. The Department has a concurrence system to process requests for use of the identifiers which gathers pertinent information about the requestor, the association with the Department, the context in which the identifier would be used and the content it would be associated with.

Please start this process by responding to the questions/requests for information below and sending your response to MC&FP Public Affairs. Please allow several days or longer for this review to proceed; this is not an on-demand, dedicated service.

  • One of the most important parts of a review is input from the Military Community and Family Policy  Program Office, including Military OneSource, that is providing the funding/support. Without an official association with the Department, and explicit input from the Military Community and Family Policy program office that is providing the support, requests take considerably longer to review. Please start, if possible, by working with your Military Community and Family Policy supporting office to find out what they want as far as recognition for their funding/support.  Then it is best if the Military Community and Family Policy office initiates the MOS logo/word mark usage request.  It is possible for a recipient to initiate a request, but we still need the name and other contact information for their Military Community and Family Policy supporting office to process the review, if applicable.  Requests where a recipient has not already worked with the supporting office may take longer and be harder to process.
  • If you are a recipient of funding/support and have not already worked with your supporting office please provide the name and contact information for your Military Community and Family Policy contact with responsible involvement in the project/funding so we can get input from them. We ultimately need to get input from a Federal employee at MC&FP but provide us with whatever contacts you have.  We will be checking with this person/authority on the desired usage to ensure the Military Community and Family Policy program office is comfortable with the graphical identifier usage on their program/initiative before being sent forward for review.
  • If your organization is not an official partner with Military Community and Family Policy but supports the military community, provide a description of that support and how the connection to Military OneSource would be beneficial.
  • Please explicitly describe the desired usage of the Military OneSource graphical identifier. When possible, mock-ups are best. Where will it be used, how will it be used, what information is it associated with? If it will be included on a website, how will it be used? What is the URL for the website? We need to clearly understand the specifics of exactly how and where the identifier will be used, for each and every desired usage.Note: For most external uses of our graphical identifier there needs to be qualifying wording to explain why it is there. Common qualifiers are "Funding provided by" and "Support provided by," but there is no one answer as to the proper explanatory wording. The usage of the identifier needs to be clear as to why it is there. It cannot have an appearance of endorsement of any private company, service, or product.
  • What is the association between the Department and this external entity or non-Military OneSource usage? Why should the artwork be there? Please provide brief information, but enough so a reviewer can understand the relationship between this external usage and the Department.
  • Is there any urgency to this request? When do you need to hear from us? We will work the review process as fast as possible, but this is not an on-demand, dedicated service so please allow at least several days or longer for your request to be processed.
  • Who are you? What is your involvement with this request? Who do we contact with further questions?  Please include full information such as your title, organization, involvement with the project, and involvement with the Department.

Once we have your initial responses, we will review them and start the process. All the details do not need to be answered for each desired usage; we do need enough information about the specifics of this desired usage so an executive can make an informed decision to properly conduct a review.

Public Relations Information

Military OneSource is a Department of Defense website and cannot post any product endorsements or give preferential treatment to commercial websites. If you have any additional questions, please visit Defense.gov or call 703-428-0711.

Contact Defenselink:

  • On the Web
    Visit Defense.gov
  • Media contact
    Call: 703-697-5131
  • Public contact
    Visit Defense.gov or call 703-428-0711

Copyright Status and Citation

Information generated by Military OneSource is in the public domain and may be reproduced, published, or otherwise used without the Department's permission unless otherwise noted. Citation to Military OneSource as the source of the information is appreciated, as appropriate. With respect to materials generated by entities outside of Military OneSource, permission to copy these materials, if necessary, must be obtained from the original source. For information on materials generated by external entities with Department of Defense funding, please refer to individual component policies. This copyright notice only pertains to content on the public side of the Military One Source website (before the login). Content behind the login is subject to copyright protection.

Linking Policy

The pages on Military OneSource may include hypertext links or pointers to information created and maintained by other public and private organizations. Military OneSource provides these links solely for our visitors' information and convenience. When visitors select a link to an outside website, they are leaving the Military OneSource site and are subject to the privacy and security policies of the owners/sponsors of the external website.

When Military OneSource provides such links, it adheres to the following policy.

Evaluation Criteria

  • Links must be consistent with sound public policy and support the mission of Military OneSource and its programs.
  • If the Department of Defense or Military OneSource has a formal relationship with organizations or businesses, Military OneSource may link to their sites. All participating partners in a business venture with Military OneSource must be treated equally.
  • Links to commercial sites must avoid even the perception of favoritism or bias relative to other similar commercial sites.
  • Military OneSource regularly reviews the quality and usefulness of the sites it links to. However, Military OneSource cannot be responsible for their content or privacy policies as noted in the Disclaimers of Endorsement below.

Links to External Websites

All links and pointers to sites that are not part of the Military OneSource are considered external links, including but not limited to other government sites, nonprofit sites, organizations, and educational institutions.

All hypertext links to external sites will be accompanied by an exit notice and the disclaimers below apply.

Disclaimer of Endorsement

The inclusion of links and pointers to websites is not intended to assign importance to those sites or to the information contained on those sites. It is also not intended to endorse or recommend any views expressed or products or services offered on these sites.

Military OneSource does not control or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of information contained on a linked website.

Military OneSource does not endorse the organizations sponsoring linked websites, and does not endorse the views they express or the products/services they offer.

Military OneSource cannot authorize the use of copyrighted materials contained in linked websites. Visitors must request such authorization from the sponsor of the linked website.

Military OneSource is not responsible for transmissions visitors receive from linked websites.

Military OneSource does not guarantee that outside websites comply with Section 508 (Accessibility Requirements) of the Rehabilitation Act.


Military OneSource will not link to any website that exhibits hate, bias, or discrimination. Furthermore, Military OneSource reserves the right to deny or remove any link that contains misleading information or unsubstantiated claims, or is determined to be in conflict with Military OneSource's mission or policies.

Broken Links

Sometimes external pages we link to are moved or removed creating a broken link. If you think you have come across a broken link on our website please notify us via our Feedback link on a tab on the left hand side of the screen or in the footer.  Please describe the page where you found the broken link and the text of the broken link.  For example, if the link was on the Parenting landing page and took users to The American Red Cross website, just providing that information would make fixing the link much easier.


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Service members, family members, surviving family members, service providers and leaders rely on Military OneSource for policy, procedures, timely articles, cutting-edge social media tools and support. All in one place, empowering our military community.