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CGWEB Customer Accessibility

Our vision for e-Coast Guard includes access to all services and information through the web for all employees and customers including persons with disabilities.

Our goal is to achieve 100% compliance with the web accessibility standards. We have asked our web content providers to develop plans to achieve 100% compliance with web accessibility standards. Because of the varying levels of difficulty for each web site to achieve 100% compliance with accessibility standards, the sites are at varying stages of progress towards our goal. We have also asked that all Coast Guard web sites include an e-mail address and phone number for contacting an accessibility coordinator.

1. If you have any web accessibility concerns, you can use this e-mail address or phone number to make comments on the accessibility of the web site, provide accessibility recommendations and request alternate formats of the web information and services until the web site is fully accessible.

2. If you find that the accessibility coordinator has not met your need for web based information and services you may inquire about the formal complaint process by contacting:

Office of the Secretary
Departmental Office of Civil Rights
S-30, Room 10215
400 Seventh St., SW
Washington, DC 20590
202.366.4648 (Voice), 202.366.5273 (TTY)
Last Update:
Monday, October 17, 2016
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CGWEB Home Page

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