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(Revised May 10, 2016)


PGI 215.402 Pricing policy.

PGI 215.403 Obtaining certified cost or pricing data.

PGI 215.403-1 Prohibition on obtaining certified cost or pricing data (10 U.S.C. 2306a

and 41 U.S.C. chapter 35).

only way to determine price reasonableness.

PGI 215.403-3 Requiring data other than certified cost or pricing data.

Scenario Requirement

Sole source to CCC, fixed price, with estimated value of $600 million.

Include provision and clause in accordance with 215.408(3)(i)(A)(2) and (ii)(A(1)(ii), respectively, because estimated value exceeds $500 million.

Sole source to CCC, cost reimbursement, with estimated value of $800,000.

Include provision and clause in accordance with 215.408(3)(i)(A)(1) and (ii)(A(1)(i), respectively, because estimated value exceeds $750,000.

Sole source to CCC ,cost-reimbursement, with estimated value of $500,000.

Do not include provision and clause, unless D&F is approved in accordance with 215.408(3)(i)(B)and (ii)(A)(2)), respectively, because estimated value does not exceed $750.000.

Sole source to CCC ,fixed price, with estimated value of $800,000

Do not include provision and clause, unless D&F is approved in accordance with 215.408(3)(i)(B)and (ii)(A)(2)), respectively, because estimated value does not exceed $500 million.

Modifications to contracts that include the clause 252.215-7004.

If 252.215-7004 is included in the contract, then data are required for modifications valued above the simplified acquisition threshold, or a higher threshold specified in the solicitation by the contracting officer, in accordance with 252.215-7004(b).

PGI 215.404 Proposal analysis.

PGI 215.404-1 Proposal analysis techniques.

whatever cost data is needed to determine price reasonableness.

PGI 215.404-2 Data to support proposal analysis.


contractor's proposal requires further review of subcontractors' cost estimates at the subcontractors' plants (after due consideration of reviews performed by the prime contractor), the contracting officer should inform the administrative contracting officer (ACO) having cognizance of the prime contractor before the review is initiated.

PGI 215.404-3 Subcontract pricing considerations.

PGI 215.404-70 DD Form 1547, Record of Weighted Guidelines Method Application.

objective; and

part of the contract price.

PGI 215.404-71 Weighted guidelines method.

PGI 215.404-71-4 Facilities capital employed.

percentages of land, building, and equipment for the business unit performing the contract. Choose the most practical method for obtaining this data, for example—

PGI 215.406-1 Prenegotiation objectives.

(iii) Notwithstanding the above, the Director, DCAA, may always raise audit issues to the Director, DPAP.

(d) See Frequently asked ‘Questions and Answers” at relating to the limitations placed on the Department of Defense for aggregate annual amounts available for contracted services in accordance with section 808 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal year 2012, P.L. 112-81 and DFARS Class Deviation 2012-O0012, Limitation on Amounts Available for Contracted Services, dated July 31, 2012.

PGI 215.406-3 Documenting the negotiation.


Application (see DFARS 215.404-70), if used, with supporting rationale;

postnegotiation noncompetitive business clearance documents (e.g., price negotiation

memoranda) are uploaded into the Contract Business Analysis Repository (CBAR) at for the purpose of sharing negotiation

experience with other contracting officers preparing to negotiate. This includes both

noncompetitive actions using the procedures at FAR part 12, Acquisition of

Commercial Items, as well as noncompetitive actions using the procedures at FAR part 15,

Contracting by Negotiation, that are valued in excess of $25 million and awarded on or after

June 24, 2013 (and for all definitized or awarded actions over $100 million, which occurred

on or after October 1, 2012).

PGI 215.407-2 Make-or-buy programs.

PGI 215.407-4 Should-cost review.

PGI 215.407-5 Estimating systems.

PGI 215.407-5-70 Disclosure, maintenance, and review requirements.

PGI 215.470 Estimated data prices.

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