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5205.303 (DFARS 205.303) Announcement of contract awards.

(a) Public Announcement.

(i) Report orders or modifications issued by CAOs that exceed the threshold.

(ii) Submit announcement information to the Navy Chief of Information (CHINFO).

(S-90) Security review. Routine contract announcements are exempt from the security review process. However, full security review is required for contract announcements that are accompanied by amplifying press releases.

(S-91) Format. To provide for a better understanding by the public, contracting activities should explain in public announcements the specific type of contracting action being awarded (i.e., state that the DoN has “awarded a contract”, “exercised an option" or “negotiated a modification" to a contract). Sample formats of announcements for contract modifications are illustrated below. Formats may be altered to suit the circumstances of the contracting action.

(a) Contract award. (Name of contractor, city, state) ______________________ was awarded Contract No. issued by the (activity) . The contract was awarded in the amount of $ .

(b) Contract modification. (Name of contractor, city, state) _________________ is receiving modification number _____________________ to previously awarded Contract No. issued by the (activity) . This modification increases the value of the basic contract by $ , the new total value is $ . Insert an explanatory statement similar to one of the following as appropriate:

(1) This modification adds the (# of increment, i.e., second, third, etc.) increment of the (length of multi-year contract, i.e., three, four, etc.) year multi-year basic contract.

(2) This modification provides for the purchase of an additional quantity of (quantity and item, e.g., 500 widgets) being produced under the basic contract. (If appropriate, indicate that the contracting action is the result of a competitive negotiated procurement).

(3) This modification provides for the exercise of an option for an additional quantity of (quantity and item, e.g., 200 gadgets) being produced under the basic contract.

(4) This modification changes the specifications for the (indicate item(s)) being produced under the basic contract. The contractor indicates that the work (is being) (will be) performed at (city and state).

(D)(5)(S-90) Miscellaneous data. Include:

(a) a statement that the information contained in the announcement is unclassified;

(b) any areas of sensitivity or high level interest;

(c) indication of appropriate coordination to insure the accuracy of the wording and data to be released.

(d) the estimated period of performance or delivery schedule.

(e) the amount of any of the obligated funds that would have expired at the end of the current fiscal year.


5205.404 (FAR 5.404) Release of long-range acquisition forecasts.

Submit an annual long-range acquisition forecast to DASN by email with the subject “FAR 5.404 – Long Range Acquisition Forecast by 20 June. DASN(AP) will provide the required format for reporting.

5205.404-1 (FAR 5.404-1) Release procedures.

(a) Application. The agency head designates the HCA as the official who may, in addition to the agency head, release long-range acquisition estimates.

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