Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons

The Department of State’s Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, headed by Ambassador Susan Coppedge, leads the United States' global engagement against human trafficking, an umbrella term used to describe the activities involved when someone obtains or holds a person in compelled service.

Date: 02/17/2000 Description: A child laborer carries cement at a construction site near Dharmsala, India. © AP Image
Date: 08/25/2010 Description: Farm workers in California march during a campaign to end human rights violations in the U.S. agricultural industry.  The prevalence of forced labor in agriculture has led to increased pressure on major brands to trace their products to ''the farm gate'' and ensure proper treatment of workers through their supply chains. © Jacque-Jean Tiziou/

"It ought to concern every person, because it is a debasement of our common humanity. It ought to concern every community, because it tears at our social fabric. It ought to concern every business, because it distorts markets. It ought to concern every nation, because it endangers public health and fuels violence and organized crime. I’m talking about the injustice, the outrage, of human trafficking, which must be called by its true name -- modern slavery."

– President Barack Obama

The TIP Office’s Fiscal Year 2017 Annual Grants Process Tutorial: Stage Two

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Nov. 28: The TIP Office has created a step-by-step video tutorial to guide selected applicants in writing and submitting full proposals during the second stage of the TIP Office’s Fiscal Year 2017 annual grants process. Total running time: 15:10. Full Text»

Questions and Answers about the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons’ Fiscal Year (FY) 2017 Invitation and Instructions for Full Proposals»

More about the International Grant Programs»

Annual Meeting of the President’s Interagency Task Force to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons

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Secretary Kerry (Oct. 24): "It’s in our strategic interest as well to ensure that this fight is a priority of our foreign policy. And the fact is that human trafficking is a multi-billion-dollar criminal enterprise. It’s assault on human rights and ... a threat to global stability." Full Text» Fact Sheets: Combating Trafficking in Persons» Building a Lasting Effort To End Modern Slavery» More»

U.S. Advisory Council on Human Trafficking Annual Report 2016

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Oct. 18: The U.S. Advisory Council on Human Trafficking released its first annual report with recommendations to strengthen federal anti-trafficking policies and programs. The Council hosted a panel presentation to discuss the report’s recommendations on rule of law, public awareness, victim services, labor laws, and grantmaking.

Date: 10/18/2016 Description: United States Advisory Council on Human Trafficking Annual Report 2016. - State Dept ImageThe Report was written by eleven members, all of whom were appointed by President Obama in December 2015 to serve on the first U.S. Advisory Council on Human Trafficking. Each member is a survivor of human trafficking, and together they represent a diverse range of backgrounds and experiences. Report: HTML» PDF»

2016 Trafficking in Persons Report

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Secretary Kerry (June 30): "When we talk about 'human trafficking,' we’re talking about slavery – modern-day slavery that still today claims more than 20 million victims on any given time. And all 20 million are people just like everybody here. They have names. They have or had families in many cases. And they are enforced to endure a hell – a living hell in modern times that no human being should ever have to experience." Full Text» Background Briefing» Report»

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Ambassador Coppedge (June 30): "Secretary Kerry released the 2016 Trafficking in Persons Report, a product of U.S. global leadership on this key human rights issues and rule of law, and our principal diagnostic tool to assess government efforts across what we call the three Ps: prosecution, protection and empowerment of victims, and preventing future trafficking crimes." Full Text» DipNote» Report»

U.S. Government and the Freedom Fund To Partner in the Global Fight Against Modern Slavery

Date: 2016 Description: Freedom Fund logo. © Freedom Fund Image

On September 19, the U.S. Department of State signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Freedom Fund – a leading philanthropic anti-slavery initiative supported by a group of influential private investors including Humanity United, the Legatum Foundation, the Minderoo Foundation, the Stardust Fund, and the Children's Investment Fund Foundation. The aim of this partnership is to maximize impact through closer coordination of government and private donor initiatives in the fight against modern slavery. More» – A Comprehensive Resource for Understanding the Risks of Human Trafficking in Supply Chains and Developing Effective Management Systems to Detect, Prevent and Combat Human Trafficking

Date: 05/13/2016 Description: website screenshot.  © is available to help federal contractors and other companies, procurement officials, advocates, and consumers understand the risks of human trafficking in supply chains and implement effective management systems to detect, prevent, and combat trafficking. The content was developed by Verité with the support and collaboration of the U.S. Department of State’s Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons in conjunction with other State Department and U.S. Government agency experts, Made in a Free World and the Aspen Institute.

To learn more about this website, please visit

UPDATE: Winners Announced In Tech Competition To Fight Labor Trafficking In Global Supply Chains

Date: 10/28/2015 Description: Rethink Supply Chains Challenge: The Tech Challenge to Fight Labor Trafficking; $500,000 Prize Pool; Visit to learn more; #RethinkSupplyChains © Partnership for Freedom Logo.

The Partnership for Freedom announced today Sustainability Incubator and Trace Register as the grand prize winning team in Rethink Supply Chains: The Tech Challenge to Fight Labor Trafficking, an innovation competition seeking technological solutions to help identify and address labor trafficking in global supply chains for goods and services. 

Labor trafficking in global seafood supply chains has been well-documented in recent years. Sustainability Incubator, an advisory firm that helps seafood companies advance sustainability and solve human rights challenges, and Trace Register, a traceability software company, have teamed up to develop a solution to help companies better understand and address the risks of labor trafficking.  

The team will receive a $250,000 grant to support the Labor Safe Digital Certificate, a digital risk assessment tool that will be integrated into Trace Register’s widely used traceability software to help seafood suppliers and major retailers better screen for risks of forced labor and address high-risk zones within their supply chains. 

To learn more about the challenge and the winning ideas, please visit

Labor Rights Promotion Network Foundation (LPN) – Thailand

The State Department is pleased to announce that the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking Persons has awarded a $600,000 grant to the Labor Rights Promotion Network (LPN) to continue its efforts to provide support to migrants in the Thai fishing industry and to support the government’s efforts to hold perpetrators of human trafficking accountable. The 2015 Trafficking in Persons Report highlighted concerns about forced labor and trafficking in Thailand’s fishing and fishing-related industries. This grant will allow LPN to continue partnering with the Thai government to eliminate labor abuses in the seafood sector. LPN will provide direct assistance and support to trafficking victims in the fishing industry, including shelter services, legal aid, and witness protection assistance. LPN will work to improve protection strategies by providing training to community leaders, villagers, and fishermen. LPN will support government efforts to hold traffickers accountable by coordinating with law enforcement on investigations and prosecutions. Additionally, LPN will also raise awareness about the International Labor Organization’s Good Labor Practices (GLP) program in the fisheries industry, corporate social responsibility, and human trafficking in Thailand's fishing industry through media and technology.

Labour Exploitation, Trafficking and Migrant Health: Multi-country Findings on the Health Risks and Consequences of Migrant and Trafficked Workers

The International Organization for Migration and London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) released a report on the health risks and consequences of migrant and trafficked workers, with funding from the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons. The report explores occupational and other risks to health and well-being, and compares the experiences of migrant workers and victims of trafficking in Kazakhstan, Argentina, and Peru in construction, textile, and illegal mining industries, respectively. Full Report»

President's Interagency Task Force to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons

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Secretary Kerry (Jan. 5): "It is estimated still that there are more than 20 million people who are enslaved, but regrettably, only a fraction of them, perhaps 1 percent, are identified on an annual basis. So we are living in 2015, in modern times, with a form of slavery that is even hard to identify. But so much could be done to prosecute it." Full Text» Fact Sheet» DipNote»