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Subpart 5114.4Opening of Bids and Award of Contract

5114.407 Mistakes in bids.

5114.407-3 Other mistakes disclosed before award.

(c) The Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquisition, Logistics and Technology) has delegated to the heads of contracting activities (HCAs), delegable no lower than the chiefs of contracting offices , the authority for making a determination described at FAR 14.407-3(c).

(e) The Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquisition, Logistics and Technology) has delegated authority to the PARC, without power of further delegation, to make the determinations under FAR 14.407-3(a), (b), and (d).

(g)(3) The determination authority (see FAR 14.407-3(e)) will return all documents to the contracting officer with the determination.

(i) When sending a doubtful case to the Comptroller General of the United States for an advance decision, contracting officers will indicate the status of the award in their transmittal document and the PARC will recommend disposition.

5114.407-4 Mistakes after award.

(b) The HCA, with authority to further delegate no lower than the PARC, may make FAR 14.407-4(b) determinations.

5114.409 Information to bidders.

5114.409-2 Award of classified contracts.

The contracting officer shall advise unsuccessful bidders to dispose of classified information in accordance with Army Regulation 380-5.

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