WCTP Entry Criteria

Program Entry Criteria

In order to be considered eligible for entry into the Warrior Care and Transition Program (WCTP), Soldiers must meet the below entry criteria for their component.

Active Component (COMPO 1) and Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Soldiers

Active Component (COMPO 1) and Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Soldiers must meet one of the following:

  • Soldier has received or is anticipated to receive a profile of more than six months duration, with duty limitations that preclude the Soldier from training or contributing to unit mission accomplishment, and the complexity of the Soldier’s condition requires clinical case management.
  • Soldier’s psychological condition is evaluated by a qualified medical or behavioral health provider as posing a substantial danger to self or others if the Soldier remains in the unit.

Reserve Component (COMPO 2/3) Soldiers

Reserve Component (COMPO 2/3) Soldiers must meet all of the following:

  • Soldier’s medical condition(s) incurred or aggravated in the Line of Duty (LOD) during an active duty status (contingency or non-contingency) or inactive duty status (inactive duty training, funeral honors duty, etc.) may qualify for evaluation, treatment, and/or disability evaluation processing while in an active duty status.
  • Soldier’s condition(s) require(s) definitive care (specific treatment or a sequence of treatments lasting 30 days or more, as determined and appropriately documented by a medical authority).

COMPO 2/3 Soldiers who meet the entry criteria may voluntarily apply for Title 10 United States Code Section 12301(h) orders under one of the following medical care processing programs:

  • Medical Retention Processing - Evaluation (MRP-E). MRP-E orders voluntarily extend demobilizing Reserve Component (RC) Soldiers on active duty for a short term (normally less than 60 days) for a medical evaluation to determine eligibility for MRP orders.
  • Medical Retention Processing (MRP). MRP orders voluntarily retain RC Soldiers on active duty who incur an injury, illness, or disease, or who aggravate a pre-existing medical condition while on active duty in support of a contingency operation.
  • Medical Retention Processing 2 (MRP2). MRP2 orders voluntarily return of RC Soldiers to active duty who were released from active duty with a LOD for unresolved injuries or illness incurred while on active duty in support of a contingency operation.
  • Active Duty for Medical Extension (ADME). ADME orders voluntarily place RC Soldiers on temporary active duty, to evaluate or treat an injury or illness incurred in the LOD during other than a contingency operation.

Ineligible Soldiers

The following Soldiers, regardless of component are ineligible for entry into a Warrior Transition Unit (WTU):

  • Pregnant Soldiers. Pregnancy alone is not a criterion for attachment/assignment to a WTU. Pregnant Soldiers may enter the WTU if treatment for qualifying conditions can be conducted without interfering with the pregnancy.
  • Pending Military Occupational Specialty Administrative Retention Review (MAR2).
  • In Temporary Disability Retirement List (TDRL) status.
  • Approved for Continuation on Active Duty (COAD) or Active Reserve status (COAR).
  • Mobilized COMPO 2/3 Soldiers whose condition(s) existed prior to mobilization, was/were not aggravated by mobilization, or was discovered prior to day 25 of the current mobilization.
  • *Soldiers in initial entry training, advanced individual training, or one station unit training.
  • *Soldiers in pending or undergoing any Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), legal actions, investigations, and/or Line of Duty determinations.

*exceptions may be approved on a case by case basis

For additional information on WCTP entry criteria, please reference AR 40-58: Warrior Care and Transition Program .

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

I am a Reserve Component (COMPO 2/3) Soldier and injured my knee during Annual Training (AT). Can I be assigned to a WTU?

COMPO 2/3 Soldiers injured during AT can request for assignment/attachment to a WTU under the ADME program, if they meet the entry criteria for the WCTP.

I was attached to a WTU two years ago and was returned to duty because my temporary profile designators went from 3 to 2. I now have a temporary profile with all designators of 3. Can I apply for reentry into a WTU?

Yes, however, you must meet the entry criteria for the WCTP.

How long can Active Component (COMPO 1) and Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Soldiers be attached to a WTU?

COMPO 1 and AGR Soldiers will not be in an attached status for longer than 180 days, unless approved as an exception to policy by Army G-1 (DAPE-PRC). Attachment and assignment of AGR Soldiers to a WTU/CCU resides with Army Human Resources Command (AHRC).

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