
NRL has made many distinguished contributions to military science and technology and to the transition of that science and technology to practical application. Learn more about the NRL legacy through a sampling of accomplishments.

Awards & Recognitions - The accomplishments of the NRL and its staff are highlighted through the a listing of achievements and honors.

Timeline - A visual chronicle of important NRL discoveries, inventions and contributions.

GPS Satellite Image

Systems - Information about historical achievements in radary, communications and navigation systems.

Rockets - Groundbreaking NRL achievements in early space programs.

Solar & Lunar Studies - A look at fifty years of NRL research on phenomena associated with the sun and recent landscapes of the moon.

Astronomy - NRL achievements in the fields of astronomy and cosmic ray physics.

Ocean & Environment - Accomplishments in ocean research, ozone studies, meteorology and storm prediction.

Materials - NRL materials that have shaped the way we live and build towards a better future.

90 Years of Innovation

Link to the current NRL Review

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