Adaptive Reconditioning

Adaptive Reconditioning includes any activities that wounded, ill and injured Soldiers participate in regularly to support their physical and emotional well-being. These activities contribute to a successful recovery for Soldiers whether they are transitioning back to active duty or to civilian life. Download the Adaptive Reconditioning fact sheet for more information.

The Comprehensive Transition Plan (CTP) supports Soldiers in transition with personalized goals in six areas: career, physical, emotional, spiritual, social, and Family. Adaptive Reconditioning plays an important role in the CTP because it connects physical activity with each of those six components. While each Soldier adapts to activities in different ways, participating in Adaptive Reconditioning often addresses physical and emotional parts of recovery.

This section of the website includes some recommended Adaptive Reconditioning events that the Adaptive Reconditioning team may provide for Soldiers.

The section is not all inclusive, but designed to provide information about what medical population will benefit from each event, some potential reasons why a Soldier's Adaptive Reconditioning team may want to exclude certain medical populations from particular events and which events align with the six CTP Domains: physical, emotional, social, family, spiritual and career.

The Warrior Transition Unit (WTU) Physical Therapist will review the Soldiers profile and create a Positive Profile indicating which Adaptive Reconditioning programs meet the Soldier's interest and physical abilities. Medical professionals work to include Adaptive Reconditioning in each Soldier's recovery plan, and Adaptive Reconditioning coordinators are onsite at more than 13 WTUs. Download the Adaptive Reconditioning Activities at WTUs fact sheet for more information.

Adaptive Reconditioning Across the Domains


Adaptive Reconditioning provides socialization through conversations on a variety of topics during the event including verbal and non-verbal communication. Team events develop camaraderie, and promote a comfortable exchange of ideas, views and experiences.

  • Team Building - programs in wheelchair basketball, sitting volleyball, water polo, track relays, team archery and team air guns are great in team building. Soldiers are relying on the other Soldiers to work as a team to master the event.

  • Leisure Skill Development - some wounded, ill and injured Soldiers need to be educated on the role leisure/recreation plays in all domains of their lives and what activities are important to them. Once they have been educated on the role leisure plays in their lives, Soldiers then need to learn leisure skills in those defined activities. Activities are broken down into individual tasks (task analysis,) and then the WTU Physical Therapist will work with each Soldier to become competent at each task before moving on to the next. Soon each Soldier becomes competent in the entire activity. Ex. Wheelchair basketball- begin by teaching the Soldiers how to use/manipulate a basketball wheelchair (starts, stops, turns, picks, blocks, etc)….then instruct them on the rules of w/c basketball….. then teach basketball skills such as dribbling, shooting, etc.

  • Exploring your New Community - exploring a new community is very important to Soldiers. In a clinical setting, this is referred to as "community reintegration." This program takes Soldier's out of their tight-knit sterile community and exposes them to what the "real world" is going to be like once they leave the WTU. Soldiers learn how to function more independently and practice skills within their community.



Physical reconditioning should take place through the Adaptive Reconditioning program and unit PT. The Adaptive Reconditioning Team will complete an assessment on each Soldier and then determine which physical reconditioning program is best suited for his/her wounds, illnesses or injuries.


While competition is the ultimate challenge for some Soldiers' recovery, reintegration and a successful transition through Adaptive Reconditioning is the primary focus. Competition is available through the Warrior Games, Endeavour Games, Valor Games and many other high level competitive events nationwide.


Adaptive Reconditioning can assist Soldiers in strengthening a set of beliefs, principles or values that sustain and provide resiliency to a person beyond family, institutional or societal sources of support.


Adaptive Reconditioning can building stronger family bonds if family members are able to participate and develop new skills that they can use as a family group. Adapative Reconditioning can introduce Soldiers and their Family to new activities or a new way to enjoy a past activity providing tools for a successful transition.


Adaptive Reconditioning can address the Career domain by improving overall ability to follow through and complete an activity, communicate with known and unknown persons, and promote responsibility and reliability. Adaptive Reconditioning in the community may also provide opportunities to network and meet persons with shared knowledge and goals.


Soldiers with a traumatic brain injury (TBI), Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and others can heal emotionally through Adaptive Reconditioning activities such as fishing, horseback riding, music, art and many others. These activities provide Soldiers with a calm, quiet arena to focus inward on their wounds, illness or injuries as well as their transition process.

Related Policies and Resources

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I obtain Adaptive Reconditioning equipment?
I need my Adaptive rRconditioning equipment adjusted. Who do I contact?
Why do I have to participate in the Adaptive Reconditioning program?
How many times a week will I participate in the Adaptive Reconditioning program?
How long will I participate in the Adaptive Reconditioning program?

How do I obtain Adaptive Reconditioning equipment?

The local U.S. Army Medical Command (MEDCOM) medical maintenance facility issues and manages adaptive sports equipment. To obtain equipment that is supportive of the Adaptive Reconditioning plan, coordinate with your Adaptive Reconditioning NCOIC or another member of the Adaptive Reconditioning Team. For additional information, refer to Warrior Care and Transition Program (WCTP) Policy Memorandum 14-003 Adaptive Reconditioning for Soldiers in Warrior Transition Units (WTUs) and Community Care Units (CCUs) .

I need my Adaptive Reconditioning equipment adjusted. Who do I contact?

Contact your Adaptive Reconditioning NCOIC before making equipment adjustments. In accordance with AR 40-61, Medical Logistics Policies and WCTP Policy Memo 14-003 , Soldiers are responsible for routinely cleaning their equipment, performing before, during and after-operation preventative maintenance checks, and replacing components and accessories that do not require extensive disassembly, critical calibration or special tools.

Why do I have to participate in the Adaptive Reconditioning program?

The Adaptive Reconditioning program is mandatory because the Adaptive Reconditioning sports/activities will assist you in reconditioning your body, mind and spirit; which benefits you in successfully transitioning back to the force or to civilian life. The Adaptive Reconditioning program addresses the six CTP domains of physical, spiritual, family, career, emotional and social.  For more guidance, see WCTP Policy Memo 14-003 .

How many times a week will I participate in the Adaptive Reconditioning program?

You will participate in a minimum of 150 minutes per week of moderate intensity physical Adaptive Reconditioning and a minimum of two Adaptive Reconditioning activities per week.

How long will I participate in the Adaptive Reconditioning program?

You will participate in the Adaptive Reconditioning program for the entire time you are assigned to the WTU; unless determined otherwise by the Adaptive Reconditioning Team.

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