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Fleet and Family Support Center


 Fleet and Family Support Center

2212 Chisholm Ave Ft Meade MD 20755
(301) 677-9014/17/18


FFSC Mission

The Fleet and Family Support Program (FFSP) provides unified, customer-focused, consistent, and efficient FFSP programs and services to support sustained mission and Navy readiness. We provide the right services at the right time, to strengthen personal and family competencies to meet the unique challenges of the military lifestyle.

FFSC Goals

The Fleet and Family Support Center is a direct result of the Chief of Naval Operations commitment to supporting Navy and Marine Corps personnel and their families. NIOC's Fleet and Family Support Center is staffed with trained, professional, dedicated people who provide information and assistance. Core services are geared toward developing skills to help individuals and families be more self-reliant and adjust to the challenges of military life, while at the same time, provide a safety net of programs and services to assist them when they need help.

All single and married active duty personnel and their family members, reservists (on extended active duty) and their families, may request assistance. Retired members and DoD civilians and their families may receive assistance on a case by case basis. FFSC welcomes questions and requests from members of all branches of service.


Established in 1994, the Navy Sexual Assault Victim Intervention Program (SAVI) offers a standardized, consistent, victim-sensitive system to prevent and respond to sexual assault Navy-wide. The name of the SAVI Program was changed to Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) in 2009, but the services remain the same.

Safe Linehelp Website

Information and Referral (I&R)

The purpose of this program is to provide the active linkage of individuals with unresolved information needs with the sources or resources which are best capable of addressing those needs. Subject areas include social services, schools, child care, and community resources.

Meet and Greet 2014.pdf


Relocation Assistance Program (RAP)

RAP provides support, information, preparation and education for managing the demands of the mobile military lifestyle. Essential components include briefings; sponsorship support; counseling before, during, and after moving; settling-in services; and emergency services. The Relocation Resource Library contains a myriad of printed materials on military moves in addition to several videos.

Sponsorship Training 2014.pdf


Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP)

EFMP provides services and resource information for families with special needs. The EFMP coordinator assists service members in the enrollment process and maintains a resource network within the military and civilian community, ensuring the special needs of personnel and their families are met.


Transition Assistance Management Program (TAMP)

TAMP was established for personnel and family members who are separating or retiring from military service. TAMP consists of seminars on SF-171 and resume writing, one-on-one counseling, job banks, interview techniques, and job search strategies. TAP, is a a comprehensive, five-day workshop on skills assessment, job search methods, skills for creating an effective resume, effective interviewing skills, employment opportunities nationwide, civil service employment, veterans' benefits, and a three-hour brief by the Atlantic Fleet Career Information Team. Computers and laser printers are available for client use in creating an effective resume or SF-171 application.

    Upcoming Events



   February 27
   March 13
   April 17
   May 15
   June 12
   July 17
   August 14
   September 18
   October 16
   November 13
   December 11

Brief Time: 0900 – 1130
To register for the pre-separation brief contact:
   Pamela Stangee
   (301) 677-9014


Class Time: 0800 – 1130
February 24
March 10
April 14
May 12
June 9
July 14
August 11
September 15
October 27
November 10
   December 8

Please contact Pamela Stangee if  you have any questions. 
Reservation is required for all classes.
(301) 677-0914/17/18


Class Time: 0800 – 1600
   May 28 – 29
   August 13 – 14
   November 13 - 14 

Please contact Pamela Stangee if  you have any questions. 
Reservation is required for all classes.
(301) 677-0914/17/18


   March 3 - 7
   March 17 – 21
   April 7 – 11
   April 21 – 25
   May 5 – 9
   June 2 – 6
   June 16 – 20
   July 7 – 11
   July 21 – 25
   August 4 – 8
   August 18 – 22
   September 8 – 12
   September 22 – 26
   October 6 – 10
   October 20 – 24
   November 3 – 7
   November 17 – 21
   December 1 – 5

To register for a workshop, please contact:
Pamela Stangee
(301) 677-9014


Family Employment Readiness Program (FERP)

One of the biggest challenges facing a Navy spouse is having to search for a new job every two or three years. FERP provides a variety of services to enhance career planning and continuity. The program offers information on local job and volunteer opportunities, career counseling and referral in addition to seminars and workshops.

Joint Employment Classes 2014.pdf

Family Advocacy Program (FAP)

This proactive program provides for the education, prevention and treatment of family violence. Trained FFSC staff seeks to prevent violence, abuse, and neglect in families, and intervenes protecting vulnerable parties if it does occur. Resource materials are available on subjects to promote wellness within the family.


Personal Financial Management Program (PFMP)

PFMP provides comprehensive emphasis on personal financial responsibility and accountability through sound money management, consumer education, counseling tools, and referral services. A basic money management class is held monthly. Also, the PFMP coordinator is available to provide guidance on financial and consumer issues.

Joint Financial Classes 2014.pdf

Counseling Services

Clinical Counseling is individual, marriage or family counseling provided by a licensed professional, free of charge. Sometimes it is necessary to bounce thoughts and ideas off of someone else. Sometimes it is most important to talk to someone who can be impartial and listen to both sides of the story. This counseling is short-term, non-medical and goal directed. FFSC counseling focuses on emotional reactions and situational difficulties such as: depression, troubled relationships, or family issues, which can result from deployments, separations, relocations, and other stresses common to the military way of life.


Life Skills Program

Prevention and enrichment programs provide knowledge, social relationship skills, and support throughout the family life cycle. The program enhances self-esteem, strengthens interpersonal competencies, and offers educational opportunities to individuals and families. Topics vary: parenting, couples communication, anger and stress management.


Building Healthy Relationships
   May 30
   Aug. 8
   Nov. 6 (0930-1130)

Effective Communication
   June 4
   Sept. 10
   Dec. 4

Time Management
   April 11
   July 16
   Oct. 7

*Class times are from 0900 to 1100.
*All branches of service, DOD Civilians and DOD contractors are welcome to attend.
*Additional classes can be scheduled on a case by case basis.
*To register, please call 301-677-9017/18


A 6 month parenting course where you can pick and choose what topics you would like to attend.
“A proven program for raising responsible kids & building happy families.”
   Fleet & Family Support Center
   2212 Chisholm Ave., Ft. Meade, MD
   1130 - 1230
To register call: 301-677-9017/18
   Open to all DOD ID card holders: all branches of active duty, family members, DOD employees & contractors
   February 28 - Helping Children Succeed in School
   March 7 - Preventing Misbehavior
   April 4 – Correcting Problem Behaviors
   May 2 – Helping Emotionally Intense Situations
   June 6 – Encouraging Positive Behavior

Stress and Anger Management 2014.pdf


 Domestic Assualt Victim Advocate (DAVA)