Community / Event Support

The Army has many resources suitable for community events. To request Army resources at Fort Meade contact the Public Affairs Office to determine the availability of support. To request flags, color guards and other ceremonial support, complete a DD Form 2536, request for Armed Forces Participation in Public Events and email the request to Fort Meade Community Relations.

Additionally, requests can be made to the Military District of Washington's Community Relations Office for more unique ceremonial support such as band performances, service-specific or joint Color Guards, Drill Team performances and the U.S. Army Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps.

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Resources include, but are not limited to:

  • Color Guards
  • Bands
  • Marching Units/Drill teams
  • Honor Guards
  • Guest Speakers
  • Parachute Team
  • Demonstrations
  • Static Displays (including vehicles and aircraft with Soldiers)

Some requests that cannot be accommodated:

  • Fundraising events
  • Events that charge an entry fee or are closed to the public
  • Events detrimental to the interests or values of the Armed Forces
  • Support for or during sectarian events or on church property when related to a religious activity
  • Events that directly or indirectly endorse, selectively benefit, or favor any private individual, sect, fraternal organization, political group, commercial venture, or is associated with solicitation of votes in a political election
  • Army participation and support that "interferes with the customary or regular employment of local civilians in their act, trade, or profession," per Title 10, US Code
  • Events that restrict admission, seating and other accommodations or facilities with regard to race, creed, sex, or national origin

Guest Speakers

Fort Meade has a wealth of subject matter experts who can be made available to talk about anything from the daily life of a service member to providing briefs on installation partner units. Speaker requests can be made directly to the various units on post or through the Fort Meade Garrison Public Affairs Office at 301-677-1361.

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Tour Requests

Tours of Fort Meade can be done for large groups of 15 or more people. Group transportation must be arranged by the tour requestor. Access coordination should be done in advance. All Fort Meade PAO tours are guided driving tours. The Installation Museum also offers a self-guided historic tour option. To request a tour through the Public Affairs Office, contact PAO at 301-677-1361.

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