Fort Meade Community Covenant Council logo

Our region has great potential for mutually beneficial partnerships, initiatives, programs and events to better connect the Fort Meade Community to the Fort Meade Military Community. Inspired by overwhelming offers of community support geared toward building relationships, collaborating, combining resources and filling the gaps, the Fort Meade Community Covenant Council was formed.

Military, elected and civic leaders pledged their continued support to Fort Meade during a signing ceremony of the Fort Meade Community Covenant on June 16, 2015, at Reece Crossings.


The Fort Meade Community Covenant Council is comprised of business, community and government organizations (Fort Meade Community) with an interest in addressing the needs, issues and concerns of service members, veterans, civilians and their families in the Fort Meade region (Fort Meade Military Community). 


The mission of the Fort Meade Community Covenant Council is to provide the Fort Meade Military Community with the support and resources reflective of the commitment they have made to our Nation. The Fort Meade Military Community is an integral component of our region and our Council pledges to make every effort to identify needs, fill those needs and gaps, and mobilize resources.

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