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Thursday, October 20 2016

Subordinate Commands

USAMRU-E, currently located in Heidelberg, Germany, conducts applied psychological research for the purpose of protecting, optimizing, and enhancing Warfighter psychological resilience. USAMRU-E studies factors that can moderate the impact of these stressors on Soldier and Family behavioral health as well as unit readiness and resilience. USAMRU-E focuses on command-directed behavioral health assessments and the development and validation of resilience training for the deployment cycle and the professional military education system.

Soldiers are exposed to a range of stressors that can negatively impact their behavioral health and well-being. Approximately 20% of Soldiers report significant behavioral health problems upon returning from a combat deployment. USAMRU-E studies factors that can moderate the impact of these stressors on Soldier and Family behavioral health as well as unit readiness and resilience. USAMRU-E focuses on command-directed behavioral health assessments and the development and validation of resilience training for the deployment cycle and the professional military education system.

Major Accomplishments and Future Directions
To learn more about Major Accomplishments and Future Directions, click here.  PDF Icon

To learn more about USAMRU-E, visit their website: globe4.gif

Last Modified Date: 15-October-2015

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