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Closed-Head Brain Injury
  • To conduct basic and applied research on militarily relevant closed-head injury resulting from exposure to blast(s), including studies of blast(s) accompanied by polytrauma and hemorrhage.
  • To discover, evaluate and advance therapies or doctrinal changes that would improve survival and functional outcomes following these injuries.

Investigators in this program conduct basic and applied research on the mechanisms of primary and secondary injury resulting from exposure to blast. Although most studies address the mechanisms of closed-head injury, much effort is also focused on the complex interactions among head injury, hemorrhage, and other body trauma. Through a variety of animal and other laboratory experiments and mathematical modeling techniques, program scientists work to develop standardized models of blast injury allowing better coordination of research across diverse laboratories, to develop high-fidelity simulations of head injury to speed research while limiting the need for animals studies, to better understand whether cellular and organ level processes in head trauma are a unique form of injury, and to develop recommendations for better Soldier protection, such as improved helmet design.

Research Priorities:
  • Develop a nationally and internationally recognized animal model of blast concussive injuries.
  • Determine if explosions produce a unique form of brain injury.

To read more about the Institute's Blast-Induced Neurotrauma Branch, click here PDF Icon

Last Modified Date: 15-October-2015

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