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— Reference Materials —

Blue Book, Eighth Edition, September 2014:  To order copies of the Medical Management of Biological Casualties Handbook (Blue Book), contact the Distance Learning Project Manager at USAMRIID.  A free download is available by clicking this link Blue Book 8th Edition .

Quick Bio-Agents Guide, First Edition, January 2012:  To order copies of the Pocket Reference Guide to Biological Select Agents & Toxins, contact the Distance Learning Project Manager at USAMRIID.  A free download is available by clicking this link Quick Bio-Agents Guide 1st Edition .

Advanced Topics on Medical Defense Against Biological Agents – Plague, September 2011:  To order this DVD, contact the Distance Learning Project Manager at USAMRIID.  An alternative is to view this program as an archived web cast at http://www.swankhealth.com 

Advanced Topics on Medical Defense Against Biological Agents – Botulinum Toxin, September 2006:  To order this DVD, contact the Distance Learning Project Manager at USAMRIID.  An alternative is to view this program as an archived web cast at http://www.swankhealth.com 

Textbook of Military Medicine (TMM) - Medical Aspects of Biological Warfare:  Free Download at http://www.cs.amedd.army.mil/borden/Portlet.aspx?ID=66cffe45-c1b8-4453-91e0-9275007fd157

Special Pathogens Laboratory (SPL): To submit biological specimens to USAMRIID for diagnostic testing please consult the USAMRIID Specimen Collection and Submission Manual  and the SPL Testing and Submission Form (fillable)  or contact the SPL Director at 301-619-4738/3318.