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The Configuration Section presents major components of the Army Distributed Learning program. Mostly restrictive since the focus is on content that plays through a browser, these restrictions are offset by the power of the gaming component.  The components in this section are for the most part partnered with distributed learning content that is tracked and credit producing. 

However, with the Army Golden Master list providing the operating system and utility programs on government desktop machines and the limits to the specific versions of software that has earned a Certificate of Networthiness, the content created using the CAPDL contract or developed in-house is expected to always be top quality, engaging and even immersive with the appropriate instructional material.

All SCORM content must be loaded in and hosted by an LMS. Content hosted by an LMS can track learner progress and award credit but the cost is constrictions and reduced functionality tied directly to LMS capabilities.

 The CAPDL contract can support web based content, content which is not hosted by a LMS.  Web based Army training content cannot track learner progress or provide graded credit, but simple web hosted content removes LMS constraints and simplifies the design and development of highly interactive and immersive content. 

One of the government's objectives when writing the CAPDL contract was increased creative freedom for contracted content providers. Increasing creative freedom allows the creation of content which is engaging, LMS independent and made up of learning elements that will contribute directly to learner success on LMS hosted assessments necessary for promotion and job advancement.

Web Browsers

Stand–alone CD/DVD

Army Golden Master Program (AGM)

The US Army Golden Master program is responsible for the release of the Army Standard Baseline Configurations for commonly used computing environment within the Army Enterprise Infrastructure.
AKO Log In RequiredArmy Golden Master Program (AKO)

Army Networthiness Program (Certificate of Networthiness)

The Networthiness Certification Program manages the specific risks and impacts associated with the fielding of
Information Systems (ISs)

Page Last Updated: 10/29/2015 12:00:38 PM