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Performance Work Statement (PWS)

The Performance Work Statement (PWS) addresses the what, when, where, how many, and how well work is to be performed. The "how" is up to the contractor. A PWS Is a type of statement of work with performance based features (output statements, metrics, incentive plans, etc.) The Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) requires that performance work statements represent only actual minimum needs. This does not mean that poor quality will be accepted. For example, if stainless steel will work, don't order solid gold.

Performance-based service contracting (PBSC) emphasizes that all aspects of an acquisition be structured around the purpose of the work to be performed as opposed to the manner in which the work is to be performed, or broad, imprecise statements of work which preclude an objective assessment of contractor practice.

Creating a PWS

1. Conduct a job analysis.

Describe your needs, the current environment, and the organization's mission as it relates to your requirement. Provide a brief description/summary of the goods or services sought.

2. Establish performance requirements.

Establish a clear target for success. What do you want to accomplish as the end result? What should the standards for completeness, reliability, accuracy, timeliness, customer satisfaction, quality, and/or cost be? How much error will you accept?

3. Develop performance standards.

List all outputs/outcomes with specific due dates or time frames. Include media type, quantity and delivery points.

4. Write the PWS.

See ‘Write the performance work statement’ at the web site for general guidance.

See ‘Construct the CAPDL Performance Work Statement’ for samples and templates from the TCM TADLP to assist in defining requirements for content development using the CAPDL contract vehicle.

5. Produce a Quality Assurance Plan.

How will you determine that success has been achieved? This portion of the PWS explains to the vendor what the Government's expectations are, how (and how often) deliverables or services will be monitored and evaluated and incentives that encourage the contractor to exceed the performance standards and that reduce payment or impose other negative incentives when the outputs/outcomes are below the performance standards.

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Page Last Updated: 10/29/2015 12:00:29 PM