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Enterprise Content Development Capability (ECDC)

The Enterprise Content Development Capability (ECDC) is an Army SCORM conformant authoring tool for the development of distributing learning content/courseware. ECDC is intuitive and easy to learn; has a shared repository to store all courseware, assets and templates for future re-use (significant cost and time savings); is collaborative to support multiple users and roles working on the same training content; provides version control, and; is standards based (SCORM and 508). Furthermore, an Event Manager provides higher levels of IMI interactions.The addition of an Assessment capability allows quiz components to communicate user captured scores to the Army Learning Management System (ALMS).

Train the trainer session at Fort Sill

ECDC train the trainer session held at Fort Sill.

ECDC has a Certificate of Networthiness (CoN), resides on the .mil and is accessed by proponents through Army Knowledge Online (AKO) single sign-on. With ECDC, Instructional Designers, Graphics Artists, SMEs and other training development personnel work collaboratively on the training packages which expedites the development time, getting the latest and greatest training to the learner, faster. This also provides the Government a significant cost savings over the lifecycle of the training package from initial development, through updated revisions, until the final release.

An Introduction to ECDC video is available on the TADLP Facebook page. The video provides an overview of the features and capabilities of ECDC.
external link Introductory video on the TADLP Facebook page (4:57)

How it Works

Development Tool Screenshot

Course elements can be quickly assembled using the Course Designer's drag-and-drop functionality.


Instructional designers and content developers can use ECDC to produce courseware that may include:

  • SCORM Communications and Assessments
  • Video/Audio/Text/Components
  • Unity 3D games
  • NGRAIN 3D assets
  • Flash® and HTML5 elements
  • Quizzes and knowledge checks
  • Event Driven Animation & Branching
ECDC Library Screenshot


Content can be maintained, organized, and reused for other courses.

Version Control

  • Update from anywhere, anytime
  • Track changes
  • Secure content
  • Validation and verification


Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), Soldiers in the field, multimedia programmers, and media specialists can upload and modify content using ECDC's browser-based framework.


  • Browser-based
  • Enterprise-wide
  • Support multiple users/roles
  • Check-in/Check-out content
  • Expedites approvals

Global Repository

  • Content Libraries
  • Import – Export - Share
  • Web-supported multimedia
  • HTML5, video, Flash®
  • NGRAIN, 3D models
  • Unity 3D games
  • Global templates
  • Search and sort content
  • Reuse content to accelerate courseware development


ECDC produces SCORM-conformant content modules that can easily be integrated into any Learning Management System (LMS) such as the Army LMS or Enterprise Lifelong Learning Center (ELLC).


  • SCORM conformant
  • Section 508 compliant
  • Supports popular asset types
  • Output to Windows and Android devices
Last Reviewed: 1/27/2016 4:40:28 PM