Center for the Army Profession and Ethic

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Army Profession Seminars

Overview: An Army Profession Seminar is a 2-hour facilitated discussion with senior leaders focused on the following:

Division or higher leadership may request an Army Profession Seminar facilitated by CAPE leadership for all brigade- and battalion-level teams (Active, Reserve, and National Guard components). The attendees should include senior leaders, i.e., Commanders, Command Sergeants Major, Army Civilians, Field and Company Grade Officers/Warrant Officers, and NCOS within the unit.

The Army Profession Seminar is designed to assist the command with creating and sustaining a dialogue within your organization on the Army Profession, the Army Ethic, and institutionalizing Character, Competence, and Commitment as “Trusted Professionals.” CAPE will demonstrate techniques, concepts, and products to enable your organization to enhance its own Army Profession strategy, education, and training for all the Soldiers and Civilians in the unit.

Request support directly by filling out the Army Profession Seminar Request Form and emailing the completed form back to CAPE.

AP Seminar Request Form Send us an email Phone: (845) 938-0499, DSN 688-0499

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. How much does it cost to host an AP Seminar?
    There is little or no cost to your organization, beyond the time it takes to manage the student rosters and reserve the seminar venue.
  2. What resources must the host organization provide?
    To conduct an AP Seminar the host organization simply provides a large meeting venue such as a conference center with internet connectivity, audio-visual system support, and the training audience. Tables of eight to ten people are best because the seminar encourages robust dialogue and discussion. Your installation’s theater - while not ideal - will suffice if it has internet connectivity and AV system support.
  3. What training audience should attend an AP Seminar?
    Your organization’s leaders will determine who should attend based on unit assessments. CAPE can conduct multiple sessions during the visit for different cohorts (i.e., Brigade/Battalion Commanders / Directors, CSMs and GS14s and Company Grade officers, NCOs and Army Civilians). For large populations, leaders may schedule AP Seminars in the morning and afternoon. For planning purposes, CAPE tries to schedule no more than two sessions per day over a two day period at any particular location. Please let us know if your needs require more sessions.
  4. Can I request to have Theme Support Packages mailed to me?
    Yes. You can either download them straight to your desktop, or request hard copies mailed to your address.
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