Center for the Army Profession and Ethic

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CAPE Products Available for Shipping

AAOP Living the Army Ethic TSP

AAOP Living the Army Ethic Training Support Package

  • Description

  • This resource package contains the following products: Resources for Army Professionals Pamphlet, Trust and Respect Brochure w/ Case Study Insert, Army Profession Pamphlet, ADRP 1 - The Army Professional, Living the Army Ethic Information Paper, Living the Army Ethic Lesson Plan, Living the Army Ethic Senior Leader Guide, AAOP Products that Enhance AR350-1 Training.

  • Audience

  • All Army Professionals

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A Special Trust

A Special Trust

  • Description

  • Stewards of the Profession: A Special Trust focuses on the Army Profession and Ethic, along with civil-military relations. The concepts of the profession are applied to Command Climate and Leader Development issues.

  • Audience

  • The audience for A Special Trust consists of four distinct learning populations of strategic leaders. They are General Officers, Colonels, Sergeants Major, and their civilian equivalents.

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Army Civilian Corps: Serving as an Army Professional

  • Description

  • Ms. Ellen Helmerson serves in the Senior Executive Service as the Deputy Chief of Staff for G1/4, U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command Fort Eustis, Virginia. She began her career as a summer hire clerk typist over 32 years ago. She is sharing her thoughts on the importance of Army Civilians in the Army Profession.

  • Audience

  • Army Civilians

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