Center for the Army Profession and Ethic

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One Army, Indivisible

One Army, Indivisible Theme Image

"One Army, Indivisible" is the America's Army - Our Profession (AAOP) biennial theme for fiscal year 2017-2018. Our Total Army is comprised of three interdependent, mutually supporting components: the regular Army, the Army National Guard, and the Army Reserve, plus the Army Civilian Corps that supports all three. The Army's fundamental mission to win in the unforgiving crucible of ground combat requires the combined effort of the entire team to be ready today and prepared for tomorrow.

"One Army, Indivisible" is an important concept because each element of the team makes an essential contribution to the Total Army's ability to provide for the ethical design, generation, support and application of landpower.

Soldiers and Army Civilians serving in all components share an identity as trusted Army professionals, who are inspired to honorably fulfill their oaths of service to the nation. Having an understanding of the communities of practice, components and cohorts within the Total Army is an essential first step to appreciate the vital role each plays in accomplishing the Army's mission.

Read the full STAND-TO! "One Army Indivisible"

Visit the America's Army - Our Profession page for updates. The lesson plan and videos are expected to be released in December 2016.

Developing Army Professionals

Image of a Soldier taking oath of enlistment

Lt. Col. Thomas R. Matelski wrote an article for the September-October 2016 issue of Military Review magazine entitled "Growing Army Professionals: Closing the Values Gap." Matelski mentions the Army has spent "intellectual energy on defining its future as a profession vice a bureaucracy" and argues the Army now has a gap between what Army Doctrine Reference Publication (ADRP) 1 - The Army Profession "seeks to foster and the core values of its newest soldiers."

Read the full article here: Growing Army Professionals: Closing the Values Gap

Character Development in the Army Profession

Three U.S. Army Soldiers holding weapons

The concept of character has been getting a lot of attention lately. Discussions about the character – or lack thereof – of world leaders, elected officials and even entire generations abound in the media. The U.S. Army is working to identify the attributes of character and assess the success of current and past efforts to develop character.

Read the full article by CAPE's Col. John A. Vermeesch and Lt. Col. Francis C. Licameli (USA, Ret.) from the September 2016 edition of Army Magazine.

Character Development: Initiative Focuses on What it Takes to be a Trusted Professional in Today's Army

CAPE is interested in your thoughts, experiences, and suggestions on character development. To read more about CAPE's initiative and provide feedback visit the Character Development Project Page

STAND-TO! – Character Development Project

Character Development Overview Image

The Character Development Project initiative is being led by the Center for the Army Profession and Ethic (CAPE), part of the Army Combined Arms Center and Army Training and Doctrine Command. The purpose of the project is to develop and publish the Army's approach for assessing character for all Soldiers and Army Civilians to ensure that Army professionals consistently demonstrate their commitment and resilience to live by and uphold the Army Ethic.

Character development is a unifying theme within the Army Human Dimension Concept. The character of Army professionals is central to building mutual trust, a key ingredient to implementing the doctrine and philosophy of mission command. The Army Profession certifies the character, competence and commitment of Soldiers and Army Civilians as trusted Army professionals.

Read the full STAND-TO! Character Development Project

Character Development Project Page

Is the Army Profession off course? recently posted an article entitled, "If you're Off Course, How Does One Right the Ship?" The article discusses how the Army Profession – the "ship" – is currently "off course" and the author says "CAPE is our lighthouse" and can help the Army "right the ship."

Read the full article on If you're Off Course, How Does One Right the Ship?

Current AAOP Theme

One Army, Indivisible

Video Case Study