Center for the Army Profession and Ethic

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Develop concepts, plans, coordinate, conduct, document, and analyze Army Profession and Ethic policy, programs, doctrine, events and activities across the Army.


  1. Concepts: Develop concepts to coordinate, conduct, promulgate and support Institutionalization and operationalization of the AP.
  2. Plans: Develop and coordinate plans to support Institutionalization and operationalization of AP forums, meetings and events.
  3. Operations: Integrate and coordinate daily operations of CAPE. Conduct and support AP events. Coordinate with higher HQ and LNOs.
  4. Doctrine: Review and analyze current policy, programs and doctrine; recommend changes and develop new doctrine.
  5. Analysis and Reports: Gather and analyze data and feedback; synthesize, prepare and synchronize coordinated reports.
  6. Communications Specialist: Focused efforts to understand and engage key audiences to develop and strengthen CAPE's mission and objectives through the use of coordinated programs, plans, themes, messages, and products synchronized with the efforts of higher headquarters.