Center for the Army Profession and Ethic

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Insights on American Civil-Military Relations

Dr. Don M. Snider, Senior Fellow for the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command's Center for the Army Profession and Ethic (CAPE) at West Point, NY recently wrote an article on the Strategic Studies Institute website offering his insight on the current state of American civil-military relations.

Dr. Snider opened with a quote from noted civ-mil relations expert Professor Peter Feaver: "When it comes to national security, should one advise President Barack Obama on the best course of action or just the best course of action that he is likely or able to accept and implement?"

Read the full article: Strategic Insights: A New Era in Civ-Mil Relations: Rendering Advice to Those Who Do Not Want It

Not in My Squad Workshop - 2015 AUSA SMA PD Forum

SMA Opening Remarks Image

Sgt. Maj. of the Army Daniel A. Dailey delivered opening remarks during the AUSA SMA's Professional Development Forum in Washington, D.C., Oct. 13, 2015. Following the opening remarks small-group discussions took place facilitated by CAPE's Sgt. Maj. David L. Stewart. The discussion gave senior leaders a taste of how the "Not in my Squad" workshops could be run.

Read the full article: Dailey: 'Not in My Squad' works to empower NCOs

Access the NIMS Resource

View the NIMS Workshop on YouTube:

NIMS Squad Leader Resource Released

The Not in my Squad (NIMS) resource for sqad leaders has been released on the CAPE website. The tool is designed to help squad leaders evaluate the state of mutual trust and cohesion within their squads, and it was developed in support of the sergeant major of the Army's "Not in my Squad" initiative.

NIMS Squad Leader Resource

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SMA Dailey Highlights the Importance of Character, Competence, and Commitment

Sgt. Maj. of the Army Daniel A. Dailey recently wrote an article entitled "Building an NCO Corps of Character, Competence, Commitment" for Army Magazine. In the article Dailey points out how NCOs today are operating in an ever-changing and uncertain environment and must be prepared to lead in this environment with character, competence, and commitment.

Read the full article by Sgt. Maj. of the Army Daniel A. Dailey: Building an NCO Corps of Character, Competence, Commitment

SHARP Solutions: Army Profession the Cornerstone of Dialogue and Building Trust in Soldiers

"When you think about the Army Profession, it really gets after our character, our competence and our commitment," said Maj. Gen. Michael D. Lundy, USAACE and Fort Rucker commanding general, in his opening comments at the Sexual Harassment/Assault Response Program (SHARP) Summit held at the USAACE Headquarters Sept 10. "[The Army Profession] talks about how we must treat each other with dignity and respect. When you think about mission command, it's about building on the effective team where there is shared understanding and trust between the leader and the led. If you start getting after that, sexual assault and sexual harassment cannot thrive, and we create an environment where it becomes much harder for Soldiers to violate another Soldier's dignity and respect -- that increases combat readiness."

Read the full article here: or

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One Army, Indivisible

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