Career Center

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Career Center

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Career Center is divided into two sites: Career Center Soldier site and Career Center Manager site.

The Career Center Soldier site is designed for the individual Soldier user. It provides access to My Record Brief, My Soldier Data, My iPERMS file, My Soldier Metrics, and My Pick Five for all Soldiers. The My Career Field product is available for Officers and Warrant Officers. These tools allow Soldiers to view information about their careers, to make career plans, to save and submit their chosen career plans and positions to leadership, and to see their Soldier personnel data.

The Manager site provides leaders and career counselors with access to work buckets that help manage Soldier career planning. Work buckets organize Soldier information into easily accessible files and reports. This information can be used for personnel management decisions and Soldier career planning. Work buckets also include a list of all Soldier Record Briefs that have been certified and validated. Career Center Manager hosts Soldier Performance Metric (SPM) reports as well. These reports can be used by leaders to understand better where Soldiers in their command fall on SPMs.

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RCMS Help Desk
Phone: (800)-339-0473 (Monday-Friday 0800-1800 EST)

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Points of Contact

Mr. Alvin Jenkins

Stephen Bryan (Tiber Creek Consulting)
Phone: (703) 766-2150

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22 JAN 15

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