Army Training Requirements and Resources System (ATRRS)

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Army Training Requirements and Resources System (ATRRS)

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Army Training Requirements and Resources System (ATRRS) is the Army system of record for training. The online system integrates manpower requirements for individual training with the process by which the training base is resourced and training programs are executed. This automation support tool establishes training requirements, determines training programs, manages class schedules, allocates class quotas, makes seat reservations, and records student attendance.

ATRRS supports the Training Requirements Division of the Office of the G1 and G3/5/7 for the Active Component, Army Reserve and ARNG, in the Army-wide mission of integrating all phases of input to training management, during peacetime and mobilization. The system supports the planning, programming, budgeting, and program execution phases of the training process and is utilized by the agencies responsible for those phases. Different segments of ARNG and Army leadership have access to ATRRS at different classification levels to view and create different sets of data about Army training opportunities.

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Points of Contact

Division: Training Division – Individual Training Branch (ARNG-TRI)

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01 AUG 11

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