Center for the Army Profession and Ethic

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Proponent Cell


Serve as the CAPE proponent for Civilian, Chaplain, NCO, and WO communities responsible for coordinating with appropriate cohort/Community of Practice proponents and analyzing training and education products/programs to ensure cohort representation and implementation of AP and Ethic knowledge and products. Support all CAPE divisions with their assigned missions as needed.


Work with external communities.

  1. Civilian: Serves as CAPE liaison for the Civilian Cohort and collaborates with Army Management Staff College, HRC, and Army G1 to develop and provide doctrine, training, and education products for members of the Army Civilian Corps in the concepts of the Army Profession, Army Ethic, and character development.
  2. Chaplain: Serves as CAPE liaison for the CH cohort and coordinates with Chaplain Service School Instructors (CSSI), USACHCS, MACOM UMTs, and UMTs.
  3. Organizational Sustainment: Develop products to support character development sustainment in operational units.
  4. NCO: Serves as CAPE liaison for the NCO cohort and coordinates with the Institute for Noncommissioned Officer Professional Development (INCOPD) and Sergeants Major Academy to develop and provide training, education, and development products for enlisted members in the concepts of the Army Profession, Army Ethic , and character development.
  5. WO: Serve as CAPE liaison for the WO cohort and coordinate with the Warrant Officer Career College (WOCC) at Fort Rucker, AL to develop and provide training, education, and development products for Warrant Officers in the concepts of the Army Profession, Army Ethic, and character development.
  6. USAR/ARNG: Serves as a CAPE liaison for the U.S. Army Reserve and U.S. Army National Guard and coordinates with the Reserve/NG liaisons to TRADOC and FORSCOM to integrate our AP products and establish conduits for AP training, and education for USAR and ARNG Soldiers. Also coordinates with Reserve/NG Liaisons to conduct annual and topical surveys and assessments related to the Army Profession.

    (GS) Integrate cohort knowledge into CAPE training and education products/programs to advance professional development across the Civilian, Chaplain, NCO, and WO communities.

    (DS) Assist Operations, Training & Education, and Research & Assessment divisions in accomplishing their missions by providing cohort-specific input and analysis to ensure appropriate representation.