National Guard Publications and Forms Indexes

NG Pam 25-31 Dec 09 Administrative Guidance for the Receipt of NGB Publications & Blank Forms
CL Index Sep 13 Consolidated Index of Component Listings (ARNG). located on GKO

Chief National Guard Bureau Instructions (CNGBI)

CNGBI 0150.00 20 Oct 2014 Senior Enlisted Duties and Responsibilities
CNGBI 0400.01 30 Jul 2012 Chief, National Guard Bureau Office of Complex Administrative Investigations (see Interim Revision)CNGBN 0400, 16 Apr 2014
CNGBI 0401.01 06 Jan 2014 National Guard Special Victims' Counsel Program
CNGBI 0402.01 24 Jul 2015 National Guard Alternative Dispute Resolution
CNGBI 0403.01 07 Jun 2016 National Guard Bureau Civil Liberties Program
CNGBI 0500.01 08 Nov 2012 National Guard Bureau (NGB) Relations with Congress
CNGBI 0500.02 01 Feb 2013 Development, Coordination, and Submission of National Guard Bureau (NGB) Legislative Initiatives
CNGBI 0600.01A 11 Oct 2016 National Guard Heritage Paintings
CNGBI 0601.01 05 Sep 2013 Annual Report of the Chief of the National Guard Bureau
CNGBI 0700.01 09 Jun 2013 Inspector General Intelligence Oversight
CNGBI 0800.01 16 Apr 2014 Management of the National Guard General Officer Career Management Bench
CNGBI 1001.01 29 Jun 2016 National Guard Joint Force Headquarters-State
CNGBI 1002.01 06 May 2013 Official Military Travel Outside U.S. Areas
CNGBI 1100.01 08 Apr 2013 Prohibited Extensions of Title 32 Orders for use of Leave
CNGBI 1300.01 16 Jul 2016 Sexual Assualt Prevention and Response Program
CNGBI 1301.01 23 Apr 2012 Military Duty Status for National Guard Members Assigned to the National Guard Bureau
CNGBI 1302.01 23 Apr 2012 Guidance for Members Performing Duty Under the Authority of 32 USC § 502(f)
CNGBI 1303.01 06 Aug 2012 Expedited Transfer of Military Service Members who File Unrestricted Reports of Sexual Assault
CNGBI 1303.01A 06 Aug 2014 Expedited Transfer Reassignment, or removal of National Guard Members Due to an Unrestricted Report of Sexual Assault
CNGBI 1400.25 03 Jun 2016 Technician Personnel Policy
CNGBI 1701.01 07 Feb 2014 Manpower and Organization Policies and Standards
CNGBI 1703.01 15 Jan 2015 Joint Military Assignments Policy
CNGBI 1800.02 31 Jul 2013 National Guard Family Program
CNGBI 1801.01 09 Jun 2014 Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program
CNGBI 2000.01A 24 Jul 2015 National Guard Intelligence Activities
CNGBI 2200.01 16 Nov 2015 National Guard Access to Top Secret Sensitive Compartmented Information
CNGBI 2400.00A 07 Nov 2013 Acquisition and Storage of Information Concerning Persons and Organizations not Affiliated with the Department of Defense
CNGBI 3000.01 30 Apr 2015 Joint Enabling Team
CNGBI 3100.01A 23 Jun 2015 National Guard Counterdrug Support
CNGBI 3300.01 20 Mar 2014 Charter of the National Guard Joint Readiness Working Group
CNGBI 3300.02 13 Nov 2014 Readiness Reporting
CNGBI 3302.01 31 Oct 2014 Continuity of Operations (COOP) Program Policy
CNGBI 3500.01 13 Nov 2013 Homeland Response Force/Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Enhanced Response Force Package Working Group and Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction Integrated Product Team Charter
CNGBI 3501.00 08 Jul 2014 Weapons of Mass Destruction Civil Support Team Management
CNGBI 3502.01 14 May 2014 National Guard Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Response Enterprise Smallpox and Anthrax Vaccine Immunization Programs
CNGBI 3510.01 07 June 2016 National Guard Homeland Response Force and Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and High-Yield Explosives Enhanced Response Force Package Management
CNGBI 5000.01 30 Nov 2011 Chief NGB Issuances and NGB Publications Guidance (see Interim Revision CNGBN 5000A, 02 Dec 2014)
CNGBI 5050.01A 21 Oct 2015 National Guard Bureau Staff Actions
CNGBI 5052.01 02 Nov 2015 DOD Governance Meetings
CNGBI 6000.01 13 Aug 2012 National Guard Bureau (NGB) Joint Information Technology Portfolio Management
CNGBI 6101.01 25 Oct 2013 National Guard Bureau Information Technology Management Program
CNGBI 6400.01 14 Nov 2013 Use of the Defense Sexual Assault Incident Database (DSAID)
CNGBI 7100.00 10 Jun 2014 Training of JFHQ State Personnel, JOC, State Emergency Operations Center for Domestic Ops (see Interim Revision CNGBN 7100, 01 July 2014)
CNGBI 7101.01 19 Oct 2015 Joint Professional Military Education, Level II and Advanced Joint Professional Military Education Student Selection Guidance
CNGBI 7402.01 19 Dec 2013 Global Force Management Joint Working Group Charter
CNGBI 7403.01 27 Jan 2014 National Guard Counterdrug Program General Officer Advisory Council
CNGBI 7500.00 13 Oct 2016 Domestic use of National Guard Unmanned Aircraft Systems
CNGBI 8101.01 29 Sep 2014 National Guard Conference Policy
CNGBI 8201.01 07 Apr 2014 Joint Capability Assessment and Development Process
CNGBI 9350.01 15 Nov 2015 National Guard Youth Challenge Program
CNGBI 9500.01 09 Aug 2016 National Guard Fiscal Stewardship
CNGBI 9550.01 30 Apr 2015 Restrictions on the use of Federal Funds for Lobbying or Propoganda
CNGBI 9551.01 13 Nov 2013 National Guard Bureau Research Oversight Council Charter
CNGBI 9600.01 09 Jun 2013 Alternative Dispute Resolution Policy and Guidance
CNGBI 9601.01 27 Sep 2015 National Guard Discrimination Complaint Program
CNGBI 9650.01A 14 Dec 2015 National Guard Joint Diversity Executive Council
CNGBI 9651.01 21 Oct 2014 National Guard Diversity and Inclusion

Chief National Guard Bureau Manuals (CNGBM)

CNGBM 1300.01 21 Sep 2016 National Guard Implementation of the Department of Defense Sexual Assualt Advocate Certification Program
CNGBM 1302.01 26 Jul 2013 Orders Guidance for Counter Drug Aviation Personnel Migration to Support Enhanced Southwest Border Security Operations
CNGBM 1802.02 16 Mar 2016 Maintaining the Family Readiness System
CNGBM 2000.01 26 Nov 2012 National Guard Intelligence Activities
CNGBM 0400.01 08 Nov 2012 Chief, National Guard Bureau Office of Complex Administrative Investigations(see Interim Revision CNGBN 0400, 16 April 2014
CNGBM 0402.01 04 Jan 2016 Alternative Dispute Resolution Procedures
CNGBM 5000.01 06 Apr 2012 Formats and Procedures for Development of CNGB Issuances
CNGBM 5050.01A 31 Aug 2012 National Guard Bureau Staff Action Process and Procedures
CNGBM 5051.01 16 May 2013 National Guard Bureau Editorial Guidance for Staff Actions
CNGBM 5052.01 03 Oct 2016 DoD Governance Meeting Procedural Guidance
CNGBM 8100.01 01 Oct 2014 Action Officer's Guide to Planning Conferences and Exempt Events

Chief National Guard Bureau Notices (CNGBN)

CNGBN 0400 16 Apr 2014 Interim Revision to CNGB Series 0400.01
CNGBN 0401 24 Apr 2014 National Guard Implementation of Defense Sexual Assault Advocate Certification Program
CNGBN 1004 08 Jul 2014 2013 Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) Strategic Plan
CNGBN 1304 17 Jul 2015 National Guard Implementation of Sexual Assault Incident Response Oversight (SAIRO) Report
CNGBN 1800 01 Jun 2014 Guidance on the Participation of Children with Special Needs in the National Guard Child and Youth Program(CYP)
CNGBN 3301 07 Jun 2016 National Guard Threat Working Group
CNGBN 5100 24 Feb 2016 Development of the National Guard Strategy
CNGBN 5000A 27 Jan 2016 Interim Revision to CNGBI 5000.01, 30 November 2011, Chief, National Guard Bureau Issuances and National Guard Bureau Publications Guidance
CNGBN 5200 01 Mar 2016 Development of a National Guard all Hazards Support Plan
CNGBN 6200 20 Jul 2015 Joint Information Environment Strategic Implementation Guidance
CNGBN 7100 01 Jul 2014 Interim Revision to CNGBI 7100.00
CNGBN 7101 16 Jan 2015 Yearly Training Guidance for Joint Force Headquarters-State Fiscal Years 2016-2019
CNGBN 8100 17 Oct 2016 Interim Guidence to CNGBI 8100.01 "National Guard Conference Policy" 29 September 2014
CNGBN 8102 30 Dec 2015 Fiscal Stewardship Comprehensive Plan

National Guard Regulations (NGR's)

NGR 5-1 May 10 National Guard Grants and Cooperative Agreements
NGR 5-2 Oct 10 National Guard Support Agreements
NGR 5-3 Aug 15 Army National Guard Training Centers
NGR 5-3-1 Jul 15 Army National Guard Billeting and Lodging Program
NGR 10-1 Nov 02 Organization and Federal Recognition of Army National Guard Units
NGR 10-2 Nov 82 State Area Command, Army National Guard
NGR 10-4 Nov 11 National Guard Interaction with State Defense Forces
NG PAM 25-31 Dec 09 Administrative Guidance for the Receipt of NGB Publications and Blank Forms
NGR 27-12 Sep 14 Judge Advocate Cross Jurisdictional Practice of Law for Legal Defense Services
NGR 27-20 Jul 89 Claims Against or In Favor of the United States Arising From National Guard Activities
NGR 27-40 Aug 81 Litigation
NG PAM (AR) 37-1 Sep 99 Financial Management Guide for National Guard Executives
NGR 37-104-3 Sep 15

Military Pay and Allowances Policy and Procedures-Army National Guard
NGR (AR) 37-105 Aug 93 Standard Army Technician Payroll System (STARTEPS)
NG PAM 40-11 Nov 15 ARNG Occupational Health Program
NGR 40-3 Dec 78 Medical Care for Army National Guard Members - Incl Change 1
NGR 40-5 Feb 13 ARNG Occupational Health Program
NG PAM 95-5 Nov 11 Use of Army National Guard Aircraft
NGR 130-6 Jul 07 United States Property & Fiscal Officer Appointment, Duties, and Responsibilities
NGR (AR) 135-381 May 94 Management of the Army National Guard Incapacitation System

NG PAM 210-20 Oct 07 Real Property Development Planning Procedures for The Army National Guard
NGR 210-20 Jul 04 Real Property Development Planning for the Army National Guard
NGR 230-65 Jul 78 Unit Funds
NGR (AR) 310-10 Nov 90 Military Orders - Incl Change 1
NGB PAM 350-1 Mar 84 Administrative Instructions
NGB PAM 350-12 Oct 87 Five Year Training Devices Plan, FY 87-91
NGB PAM 350-6 Aug 88 Competitive Marksmanship

NGR 350-1 Aug 09 Army National Guard Training
NGR (AR) 350-10 Dec 90 Competitive Biathlon
NGR 350-6 Aug 88 Competitive Marksmanship
NG PAM 351-1 Dec 96 Total Army School System
NGR 351-1 Apr 87 Individual Military Education and Training - Incl Change 1
NGR 351-10 Dec 80 Command and General Staff College
NGR 351-15 Nov 86 US Army Sergeants Major Academy Courses
NGR 351-21 Sep 83 Senior Services College
NGR 351-25 Jun 85 Reserve Component Tank Commanders Course
NGR 351-3 Nov 80 Noncommissioned Officer Education System
NGR 351-30 Dec 86 Combined Arms and Services Staff School
NGR 351-5 Dec 85 State Military Academies - Incl Change 1
NGR (AR) 380-15 May 91 Safeguarding and Handling of North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Classified Material and Information
NGR 385-5 Jan 08 Aviation Support Activity Accident Prevention Survey (ASAAPS) Program
NGR 385-15 Nov 06 Policy and Responsibilities for Inspection, Evaluation and Operation of ARNG Indoor Firing Ranges
NGR 385-24 May 11 Army National Guard Radiation Safety Program
NGR 385-63 Jun 07 Army National Guard Range Safety Program, Policy, and Standards
NGR 385-64 Dec 07 Army National Guard Ammunition and Explosives Safety Standards
NGR 405-80 May 77 Army National Guard Program
NG PAM 415-5 Jul 03 Army National Guard Military Construction Program Execution

NG PAM 415-12 Jan 15 Army National Guard Facilities Allowances
NGR 415-5 Mar 15 Army National Guard Military Construction Program Development and Execution
NGR 415-10 Jul 03 Army National Guard Facilities Construction
NG PAM 420-10 Jul 03 Construction and Facilities Management Office Procedures
NGR 420-10 Jul 03 Construction and Facilities Management Office Operations
NG PAM 420-15 Nov 06 Guidelines and Procedures for Rehabilitation and Conversion of Indoor Firing Ranges
NGR 500-1 Jun 08 National Guard Domestic Operations
NGR 500-5 Aug 10 National Guard Domestic Law Enforcement Support and Mission Assurance Operations
NG PAM (AR) 570-1 VOL I Apr 92 Fulltime Manning, Staffing Guide for Army National Guard, Office of the Adjutant General - Incl Change 1
NG PAM (AR) 570-1 VOL II Sep 91 Fulltime Manning, Staffing Guide for Army National Guard, Support Personnel Management Office
NG PAM (AR) 570-1 VOL VIII Apr 92 Fulltime Manning, Staffing Guide for Army National Guard, Engineering Office
NGB PAM 570-1 Jun 87 Fulltime Support Manning for the Army National Guard - Incl Changes 1-10
NGB PAM 570-3 Apr 86 Manning Criteria - Army National Guard Major Training Areas - Incl Changes 1-3
NGB PAM 570-4 May 87 Staffing Guide for Army National Guard Military Personnel Management Offices - Incl Changes 1-3
NG PAM 600-22 Apr 02 Investigating Military Discrimination Complaints
NG PAM 600-1 Sep 96 AGR Enlisted Career Management
NG PAM 600-3 Dec 89 Professional Development and Utilization of Commissioned Officers in the Army National Guard

NGR 600-5 Sep 15 The Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Program Title 32, Full Time National Guard Duty (FTNGD) Management
NGR 600-7 Aug 14 Selected Reserve Incentive Programs
NGB PAM 600-8-1 Jul 88 Standard Installation/Division Personnel System (Unit Level User Manual) - Incl Change 1
NGB PAM 600-8-20 Jun 88 SIDPERS-ARNG Handbook for Commanders - Incl Change 1
NGB PAM 600-8-3 Jun 88 Standard Installation/Division Personnel System, Interface Branch Level User Manual - Incl Change 1
NGR (AR) 600-82 Oct 93 US Army Regimental System - Army National Guard
NGR (AR) 600-85 Mar 90 Drug Abuse Prevention and Control
NGR(AR) 600-100 Apr 94 Commissioned Officers - Federal Recognition and Related Personnel Actions
NGR 600-101 Sep 14 Warrant Officers - Federal Recognition and Related Personnel Actions
NGR 600-102 May 15 Officers Assigned to Selective Service System Sections at Joint Force Headquarters State
NGR 600-2 Dec 85 Screening of the Army National Guard
NGR 600-21 Sep 01 Equal Opportunity Program in the Army National Guard

NGR 600-23 Dec 74 Nondiscrimination In Federally Assisted Programs
NGR 600-63 Jul 97 Army National Guard Health Promotion Program
NGR 600-200 Jul 09 Enlisted Personnel Management
NGR 601-1 Apr 06 Army National Guard Strength Maintenance Program
NG PAM 601-1 Aug 06 Army National Guard Strength Maintenance Program
NGR 604-10 Jun 73 Military Personnel Security Program
NG PAM (AR) 611-53 Nov 90 Administering and Scoring the Enlistment Screening Test
NGR (AR) 611-110 Oct 90 Selection and Training of Army Aviation Officers
NGR 614-1 Mar 10 Inactive Army National Guard
NGR 614-2 May 79 Army National Guard Airborne and Special Forces Units
NGR 635-100 Sep 78 Termination of Appointment and Withdrawal of Federal Recognition - Incl Change 1
NGR 635-101 Aug 77 Efficiency and Physical Fitness Boards
NGR 635-102 May 15 Officers and Warrant Officers Selective Retention
NGR 672-1 Jan 12 Trophies and Awards Program for the Army National Guard
NGR 672-5 Jun 11 Service Recognition
NGR 672-3 Feb 78 National Guard Chief's 50 Marksmanship Badge
NGR 680-1 May 12 Personnel Assets Attendance and Accounting
NGR 680-2 Aug 11 Automated Retirement Points Accounting Management
NGB PAM 750-2 Jun 09 ARNG Aviation Maintenance Pamphlet
NGR 750-5 Apr 16 ARNG Maneuver Area Training Equipment Sites and Unit Training Equipment Sites
NGR 750-51 Oct 10 Command Maintenance Evaluation Team
NG PAM 750-59 May 16 Army National Guard Corrosion Prevention and Control Program
NGR 750-410 Feb 16 Army National Guard Aviation Nondestructive Testing Program
NGR (AR) 870-5 Jan 94 Army National Guard Lineage and Honors
NGR 870-20 Feb 02 ARNG Museums Activities and Historical Property

National Guard Supplements

Sup 1 to AR 95-1 Aug 11 ARNG Aviation: Flight Regulations
Sup 1 to AR 385-10 Feb 15 The Army Safety Program
Sup 1 to AR 600-8-2 Dec 13 Suspension of Favorable Actions (FLAG)

Technician Personnel Regulations

TPR 100 Dec 97 The Technician Personnel Publications System
TPR 200 Feb 83 Technician Personnel Regulation 200 - Incl Changes 1-4
TPR 300 Nov 79 Merit Placement for National Guard Technician - Incl Changes 1-11
TPR 300 (351) Nov 93 Reorganizations, Realignments, and Reduction in Force
TPR 303 Aug 05 Military Technician Compatibility
TPR 400 Sep 07 The Technician Human Resources Development Program
TPR 430 Nov 09 Appraisal Program
TPR 451 Dec 98 Awards Program
TPR 511 Jun 07 Classification and Workforce Management
TPR 630 Aug 10 Absence and Leave Program
TPR 700 Aug 82 Technician Personnel Regulation 700 - Incl Changes 1-4
TPR 715 Jul 07 Voluntary and Non-Disciplinary Actions
TPR 752 Aug 10 Discipline and Adverse Action
TPR 752-1 Aug 10 Adverse Action Appeals and the National Guard Hearing Examiner Program
TPR 792 Feb 11 Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Program
TPR 800 Jun 85 Federal Employee's Compensation Act (FECA)
TPR 990-2 Jul 84 Hours of Duty, Pay, and Leave - Incl Changes 1-2

Special Documents

ARNG Nov 12 ARNG Leadership Development Strategy Version 1.0
ANGI 36-7 25 Apr 03 Air National Guard Military Equal Opportunity Program