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         Leonardo Manning, Director Contracting

Leonardo Manning

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   Home Skip Navigation LinksAT&L Functional Gateways > Contracting > Director Leonardo Manning's Blogs

Federal Government Achieves Small Business Procurement Goal !!!! 

Tags: Contracting, Small Business, SBA

On Friday, August 1, the U.S. Small Business Administration announced the federal government reached its small business federal contracting goal for the first time in eight years, awarding 23.39% in federal contracts to small businesses totaling $83.1 billion of eligible contracting dollars.  The FY 2013 federal goal was 23%.  For the SBA Press Release on 2013 Small Business Contracting Goal Achievement, click here.


The annual Small Business Scorecard for 2013 was also released.  The Scorecard is an assessment tool that: (1) measures how well federal agencies reach their small business and socio-economic prime contracting and subcontracting goals, (2) provide accurate and transparent contracting data, and (3) report agency-specific progress. 


For the DoD, we reached 21.09% ($48.3 B) of award dollars that went to small businesses.  This was below the FY 2013 goal of 22.50% but more than the 2012 achievement rate of 20.41%.  With the increased focus on small business training and the Better Buying Power initiatives, the DoD continually strives to increase the amount of procurement dollars going to small business so that we can strengthen the industrial base, access technological advances, and increase competition.  For more information on the DoD Small Business Scorecard click here


Posted by Kathy Spainhower on 4-Aug-14
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