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Policy #Subject TagsDate Posted
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 1217 items in 122 pages
State OIP and MEPS visit plan 2014.xlsx jason.m.jacobs21 Feb 2014
17-006 SMOM 17-006 (AC) - Civilian Education Requirements for Chaplain Candidates and Chaplains in the Army National Guard (ARNG) .pdf c.westmoreland26 Oct 2016
17-005 SMOM 17-005 (S) - RRNCO Enhanced Systems Training for Optimal Recruiting Effectiveness (RESTORE) Workshop.pdf c.westmoreland26 Oct 2016
17-004 SMOM 17-004 (R) - Exception to Policy for Edibles Fiscal Year 2017 (FY).pdf c.westmoreland26 Oct 2016
17-003 SMOM 17-003 (M) - Recruiting and Retention Promotional Items 25% Rule.pdf c.westmoreland26 Oct 2016
17-001 SMOM 17-001 (O) - Simultaneous Membership Program and Officer Candidate School Enlistment Option Checklists.pdf c.westmoreland11 Oct 2016
16-034 SMOM 16-034 (HQ) - Fiscal Year 2016 Strength Maintenance Awards Program Criteria.pdf c.westmoreland19 Aug 2016
16-033 SMOM 16-033 (O) - Hometown Recruiter Assistance Program (HRAP) & Hometown Officer Recruiting Program (HORP).pdf c.westmoreland19 Aug 2016
16-032 SMOM 16-032 (S) - High Definition Noncommissioned Officer in Charge (HD-NCOIC) September 2016 Workshop.pdf c.westmoreland19 Aug 2016
16-031 SMOM 16-031 (O) - Army National Guard Recruit Force Pool (RFP) Enlistment Option Implementation.pdf c.westmoreland20 Jul 2016

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