Deployment Health Assessment Program (DHAP)

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Deployment Health Assessment Program (DHAP)

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The Deployment Health Assessment Program (DHAP) allows Soldiers and eligible civilians to take proactive steps to improve their readiness and resilience during the deployment cycle. 

Guardsmen, commanders and civilians all share the responsibility of looking out for each other when deployed, whether it be responding to a humanitarian mission, combat zone, natural disaster, operational mission or training exercise.  
To address deployment related health conditions such as PTSD, TBI, depression, combat related injuries and substance abuse, DHAP is a critical Commander’s Tool used to identify and address health conditions and to provide soldiers the proper care they need. 

For a Soldier, an important part of getting proper care is learning to ask for help. To reduce stigma, DHAP works with commanders to encourage healthy supportive environments where Soldiers, regardless of rank, feel empowered and comfortable coming forward to ask for help. Through DHAP participation, Soldiers are given the opportunity to assess their health and have a confidential conversation with a health care provider, and if necessary, receive the referral care they need.


The three (3) Deployment Health Assessments (DHAs) are conducted at specific windows of time during the deployment cycle.  

  • The Pre (Pre-DHA) is taken within 120 days and revalidated within 60 days of deployment. The Pre-DHA provides a snapshot of your physical and emotional readiness.  
  • The Post (PDHA) screens for any deployment related injuries or behavioral concerns that may have occurred downrange. The Post is taken within 30 days before or after redeployment.
  • Reassessment (PDHRA) is taken 90-180 days after redeployment to screen for health issues that evolve over time. What may be perceived as normal aches, stresses or frustrations could be symptoms of behavioral or physical health concerns that need proper care.

Each DHA has three steps:
1. Resilience Training (Comprehensive Soldier & Family Fitness)
2. Online questionnaire (DD Form) completed through the Medical Protection System (MEDPROS)
3. A confidential, one-on-one conversation with a health care provider

Completion of each step in a timely manner ensures an accurate snapshot of your physical and behavioral health during the deployment cycle, which may be vital information should injuries or health concerns arise in the future. 

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • Who is eligible to take the Deployment Health Assessments (DHAs)?
  • Where do I take the DHAs?
  • Why should I take the DHAs?

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Points of Contact

Division:  Office of the Chief Surgeon (ARNG-CSG)

For policy related questions, email: NG.NCR.ARNG.LIST.NGGB-ARNG-CSG-PDHRA@MAIL.MIL

For technical questions regarding the DD Forms, email:

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