How to Volunteer to Serve on an NGB Board

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How to Volunteer to Serve on an NGB Board

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The process of volunteering to serve on a Board is important to all National Guard Soldiers, regardless of status, who are eligible to serve as members on NGB Boards. The experience shapes the future force and posture of the Army National Guard. Members are sworn to meet our future requirements as an Army and are asked to attest to the professional qualifications of Officers and Soldiers. The Army National Guard Personnel Division (ARNG-HRP) is the facilitator for NGB Officer/ Enlisted Boards and Panels covering promotion, school, and awards, including miscellaneous Boards that are approved by the Director of the Army National Guard. Assembling Board members, convening the Board and oversight for the conduction of the Board is also the responsibility of the NGB Boards Section. Once Soldiers have volunteered for the Board/ Panel member applicant database, they will be eligible for selection to sit on a Board/ Panel with consideration to their previous experience (Board dependent) and the Board/ Panel demographics.

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Quick Guide

Board/Panel Service (from Receive Orders through Adjourn Board)

  1. Volunteer
  2. Receive notification of selection
  3. Receive orders to serve on a Board/Panel as well as travel authorization from the State G1/ USPFO (if needed)
  4. Arrive at Board/Panel at appointed time
  5. Sworn in as President or Member of Board/Panel
  6. Board/Panel is conducted by Memorandum of Information (MOI)Vote electronically to generate Order of Merit List (OML)
  7. Participate in After Action Report (AAR)
  8. Return to home duty station after Board/ Panel is adjourned

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • How do I volunteer for a Board?
  • What are the requirements for Board membership?
  • Will the Board/Panel member applicant database recognize if I have already served on a Board?

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Points of Contact

Division: Personnel Division (ARNG-HRP)


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