Reserve Component Survivor Benefit Plan (RCSBP)

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Reserve Component Survivor Benefit Plan (RCSBP)

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The Reserve Component Survivor Benefit Plan (RCSBP) is designed to provide Reserve Component Soldiers an opportunity to provide a guaranteed lifetime annuity of up to 55% of their retired pay to their survivors in the event of their Soldier's death.

Soon after they complete their 20th year of creditable service, Soldiers receive a 15 or 20 Year Notification of Eligibility for Retired Pay for Non-Regular Service (NOE) along with DD Form 2656-5 (Reserve Component Survivor Benefit Plan (RCSBP) Election Certificate). They have 90 days after receipt of the notice to complete DD Form 2656-5 or an automatic election is made by law if they have one or more dependents.  If, on the date of election, the Soldier has no eligible dependents and later marries or acquires a dependent child(ren), the Soldier has one year after the date of the marriage or immediately upon acquiring the child(ren) to make an RCSBP election.  Soldiers should use DD Form 2656-6 (Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) Election Change Certificate) to make the election.  Elections become effective upon the one year anniversary of the marriage or immediately upon acquiring the dependent child(ren).

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RCSBP Election Options

Option A – Decline Election Until Age 60

The Soldier waives participation in RCSBP. No premium will be paid or annuity received. If married at the time of election, the spouse must concur with the member’s decision to decline to make an election until age 60. The spouse’s consent to the Soldier’s decision to decline to make an election to age 60 and the spouse’s signature must be notarized. Soldiers will be eligible to elect Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) coverage at time of eligibility for retired pay.

Option B – Defer an Annuity

 An annuity will begin either on the date of the Soldier’s 60th birthday, if the Soldier dies before that date, or the day after the date of death if the Soldier dies on or after the 60th birthday. The spouse’s consent to the Soldier’s decision to provide less than full coverage and the spouse’s signature must be notarized.

Option C – Provide an Immediate Annuity

To provide an immediate annuity to begin on the day after the date of the Soldier’s death whether before or after age 60. The spouse’s consent to the Soldier’s decision to provide less than full coverage and the spouse’s signature must be notarized.

*Note:  Reduced retirement age eligibility will lower the age of SBP election based on eligible qualifying service for reduced retirement age. The use of age 60 in the above chart is for standardization only.  A Soldier's retirement age for receipt of retired pay for non-regular service may not be reduced below age 50 for eligible Soldiers.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • Who can be designated beneficiaries for RCSBP?
  • Where do I send my DD Form 2656-5 (Reserve Component Survivor Benefit Plan (RCSBP) Election Certificate)?
  • Can a single Soldier enroll in RCSBP?
  • What are the advantages of RCSBP?
  • Can I change my RCSBP election?
  • What is the premium cost for RCSBP coverage?

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