Welcome to the ARNG G1!
Please be aware that this is a U.S. Government website.
  • Some users may see a security certificate warning before they can proceed to the site. This is usually due to settings on certain versions of Internet Explorer and Firefox.
  • The ARNG G1 Gateway is a secure internet site (https://) that runs on a government domain (.mil) and is registered with the Department of Defense (DOD).
  • Users may have to click "continue to the site" to access the Gateway.
  • To avoid this warning in the future, you can add a security exception for DOD .mil websites and/or download DOD security certificates.
  • The ARNG G1 Gateway is managed by personnel at the National Guard Bureau in Arlington, VA.
Thank you for visiting the Army National Guard G1 Personnel Gateway Your One-Stop Shop for ARNG Human Resources!