Post Deployment Health Assessment (PDHA)

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Post Deployment Health Assessment (PDHA)

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The Post-Deployment Health Assessment (PDHA), DD 2796, is a two-part comprehensive health screening required by all Soldiers and Department of the Army (DA) Civilians who have deployed in support of any contingency operation to a location outside the Continental United States (OCONUS) without a fixed Medical Treatment Facility (MTF) for a period of 30 days or more.  This screening provides Soldiers and DA Civilians with an opportunity to proactively identify health concerns and then – if needed – receive a referral for follow-up treatment for deployment-related health problems that may negatively affect their daily life, Family, career, and/or future.

The online self-assessment form (DD2796) should be filled out within five days, but not more than 30 days, before departure from theater.  During the demobilization process, the PDHA is completed at a confidential one-on-one interview with a health care provider. 

For OCONUS deployments of less than 30 days, OCONUS deployments to areas with fixed U.S. MTFs, and CONUS deployments, it is the operational commander’s decision whether a DD 2796 is required.  USCENTCOM encourages personnel traveling to the theater for 15 or more days to complete a DD 2796 and those who travel frequently to complete at least one DD 2796 each year.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • Where do I go for my Deployment Health Assessment (DHA)?

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Points of Contact

Office of the Chief Surgeon (ARNG-CSG)

For policy related questions, email: NG.NCR.ARNG.LIST.NGGB-ARNG-CSG-PDHRA@MAIL.MIL.

For technical questions regarding the DD 2796, email:

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