NGB/State Production Report Process

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NGB/State Production Report Process: Developing a Production Report in the Tribute Assistance Planning Service (TAPS) database


The Production Report is run by the ARNG Soldier and Family Support Division (ARNG-HRS) in the TAPS database. This report provides a roll-up of detailed information inputted by the States/Territories in regard to their Military Funeral Honors (MFH) program. This includes: production number, base pay to M-Day Honor Guard participants, transportation, etc. This report is run as needed. The information collected is used to provide a snap shot of the overall MFH program and a snap shot of each State's mission output. The data is used to develop State of the State briefings to the G1, EXSUMs, and information papers.

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Regulations and Supporting Resources

NGB/State Production Report Process Tutorial

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For additional information, reference the Systems Section within the Resource Center

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Points of Contact

Division: Soldier and Family Support Division (ARNG-HRS)


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02 AUG 12 

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