Staff Action Control Office (SACO)

Who We Are

The ACSIM SACO serves as the principal advisory staff action control office for the Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management (OACSIM) and intermediate office for the Installation Management Command on matters between the Executive Command and Control Office and Senior level decision makers on technical and administrative issues relating to the accomplishment, coordination and disposition of a variety of substantive policy and program staff actions and assignments.

What We Do

The ACSIM SACO reviews and coordinates all executive staff level actions between OACSIM/IMCOM and OSD, Army Secretariat, Army Staff, ASCCs, ACOMs and DRUs, which requires adherence to formal internal and external procedures, timelines and complex administrative controls.


Provides administrative support to OACSIM/IMCOM Staffs by tasking and processing staff actions generated by and submitted to and within the Organizations. Serves as the principal administrative assistant and technical advisor on administrative policies and provides indirect support and guidance on administrative support and staff procedures.


  • Translates general guidance from OACSIM/IMCOM Leadership into definitive taskings
  • Tracks all actions tasked to OACSIM/IMCOM by outside Agencies
  • Tracks actions tasked within OACSIM and between OACSIM and IMCOM
  • Reviews actions requiring signature/action of the Senior Leadership for OACSIM/IMCOM for correctness, accuracy, timeliness and coordination
  • Ensures that the Senior OACSIM/IMCOM Leadership is kept informed of issues
  • Reviews and analyzes all correspondence sent to the command group for administrative completeness, appropriate coordination, proper level of signature, and compliance with established
  • Manages and monitors flow of correspondence among the command group; coordinating, personal, and special staffs; and subordinate activities
  • Reviews correspondence for distribution within OACSIM and IMCOM elements
  • Provides administration, distribution, and mail support to the command group, personal staff, and special staff
  • Provides internal Staff Actions Training Sessions
  • Oversees HQDA Staff Action Tracking System as it pertains to OACSIM