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The aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt leads ships from Carrier Strike Group 12 during a maneuvering exercise.

How can I improve an export license application submittal?

  • Explicitly describe the who, what, where, and why you are submitting an export license to the USG/State Dept. for approval in your letter to Mr. Lowell. This is the Licensing Officer's (LO's) best tool to review an applicant's request and decide what actions need to be taken.
  • Accurately list key USG POC's (and correct phone numbers) that you have recently interacted with on the subject material (can also be listed on the coversheet).
  • Accurately list (as a minimum) or provide relevant cases (even those to which you have not yet received licenses) that reference the subject material (can also be listed on the coversheet).
  • Provide a comprehensive Statement of Work (SOW) including but not limited to the type of training and documents to be transferred (along with their origin and classification).
  • Vague applications or a "blank check" approach will give cause for a Return Without Action (RWA).
  • Provide system characteristics or specifications for all hardware transfers (a Purchase Order does not always cut it). LO's appreciate system comparison matrices especially when trying to differentiate an applicant's line of products.
  • Provide an advance copy of the application to the respective LO at the time of submittal to the State Dept. regarding controversial, potential problematic, and urgent requests.
  • Coordinate controversial or potential problematic license requests with the respective Navy Program Office (via IPO if necessary) prior to State Dept license submittal to preclude concerns that may delay the review process.
  • Coordination will ensure that the application does not require an ENDP or Case-by-Case TTSARB review, otherwise, the application will be Returned Without Action in lieu of the policy review. The applicant may request sanitized versions of TTSARBs that are relevant to the applicant's product line offerings from NIPO's Technology Security and Cooperative Programs Directorate.
  • It is requested that the applicant submit documentation with their export request that references offline conversations (i.e. Program Office representative's name, phone number, email address, etc.) and provides a general statement regarding both parties' recommendations or concerns. This documentation can substantially reduce the processing time of an application, allowing a LO to call a Program Office to verify the conversation that took place instead of having to route the license application upon receipt.
  • Contact the respective LO concerning informal proviso interpretation for potential "show stopping" provisos. Remember, the ITAR is your guidance, however, proviso interpretation must be officially addressed through an Advisory Opinion (General Correspondence (GC))--use it.
  • Provisos are imposed (especially on marketing requests) as a means to inform/assist applicants with planning future steps involving a program or final sale. These provisos provide Navy and the applicant foresight about what may or may not be accomplished in follow-up license requests.
  • When referencing prior licenses, provide the provisos that were placed on that license vice just referring to the license.

What is a Data Exchange Agreement (DEA) Annex?

A DEA Annex is a government-to-government subordinate agreement that provides a mechanism for the exchange of Research and Development information, including Classified Military Information (CMI), in a specific technology or scientific area with allied and friendly nations. These agreements are valid for a period of five years and are renewable per guidelines specified below.

What is a Technical Project Officer (TPO) and how do I go about getting nominated as one?

The TPO is the individual responsible for the overall activity under the exchange agreement. The TPO must maintain awareness of current policies and ensure decisions are adequately researched and coordinated with all appropriate offices. As an example, the TPO is responsible for obtaining information and technical data and ensuring that this information falls within the scope of the DEA; disseminating information received under the DEA; reviewing, approving, and forwarding information to the foreign TPO; assisting in arranging U.S. visits; maintaining records relating to activity under the annex and providing periodic updates and assessments; and as appropriate, recommending the pursuit of cooperative opportunities. To be nominated as a TPO, the agency in which the individual works will submit a technical resume to Navy IPO outlining the candidate's qualifications for being nominated as the TPO. If approved by Navy IPO, a formal appointment letter will be provided along with the appropriate documentation package. It is important to note that the individual nominated have the necessary technical program background and authority to make release decisions on potentially sensitive matters of national importance. Assignment as a TPO is direct and personally held and authority cannot be re-delegated.

What are the primary goals of the DEA program?

The primary goals of the DEA program are to create closer alliances; marshal U.S. and friendly foreign nations' technological capabilities; enhance the security of the free world; improve interoperability and standardization; and, identify cooperative opportunities.

What is contained within a DEA Annex?

A DEA Annex consists of three parts: the Annex, the Objectives (U.S. and Foreign, and the Delegation of Disclosure Authority Letter (DDL):

  • The Annex provides the overall guidelines of the agreement. It specifies the scope, classification, authorities, channels of correspondence, and establishments.
  • The Objectives identify the specific information that both the US and foreign ally desire to obtain through the agreement. These objectives should be reviewed on an annual basis to reflect the changes in technology, military requirements, and programs of interest to each party.
  • The Delegation of Disclosure Authority Letter outlines the specific authority of the TPO.

Can there be more than one TPO per DEA annex?

Should the TPO determine that additional resources are required to execute the annex, the TPO has the authority to nominate, select and assign an Associate TPO. Copies of all correspondence, including a technical resume of the ATPO must be provided to Navy IPO. Remember that the TPO is directly and personally held responsible for all exchanges of information and technical data; therefore, the ATPO must work closely with the TPO. However, recent changes with the DEA program now authorize the ATPO to approve or deny foreign visits to listed U.S. activities in the exchange annex.

How do I extend or replace a DEA Annex that is scheduled to expire?

If the scope does not require changing, then Navy IPO can initiate an extension of the expiring Annex with most countries with a one-page extension letter that is signed by both sides. Navy IPO will need the following input in order to complete this extension agreement:

  • Confirmation from the U.S. Navy TPO, that the existing Delegation of Disclosure Authority Letter (DDL) is still valid.
  • An updated/current listing of U.S. Navy establishments that are already contained in the annex (because of the many reorganizations and relocations throughout the Navy). Even Navy IPO's address has changed. You may be able to get an updated listing of the countries establishments, etc. from the host country during discussions with the TPO counterpart.
  • Confirmation that the U.S. Navy information exchange objectives are still valid and/or provide new 2000 (or current year) and beyond replacement Navy objectives. Also, you may be able to get foreign objectives from the host country during discussions with the TPO counterpart.
  • Once Navy IPO gets this information, a formal extension can be processed and signed. If the scope of the expiring annex requires updating, Navy IPO will require a revised annex scope and the same information outlined above.

What does each of these abbreviations stand for?

  • PEP Personnel Exchange Program
  • ESEP Engineer and Scientist Exchange Program
  • FLO Foreign Liaison Officer
  • CPP Cooperative Program Personnel

What is a Data Exchange Agreement (DEA) Annex?

A DEA Annex is a government-to-government subordinate agreement that provides a mechanism for the exchange of Research and Development information., including Classified Military Information (CMI), in a specific technology or scientific area with allied and friendly nations. These agreements are valid for a period of five years and are renewable per guidelines specified below.

What is the Engineer and Scientist Exchange Program (ESEP)?

The ESEP is a professional development program aimed at promoting international cooperation in military research, development, testing and evaluation (RDT&E) communities through the exchange of practical experience of defense engineers and scientists. The program affords opportunities for U.S. military and civilian engineer and scientist personnel to work on-site in allied and friendly countries. Alternatively, the program provides for reciprocal assignment of foreign engineers and scientist to U.S. defense establishments. This program is intended to place selected personnel into challenging and productive assignments in technical areas where professional qualifications and capabilities are utilized to the fullest. The program is not a training program and is not to be used for exchanging technical data or software related to the design, development, manufacture or operation of military systems.

Who is eligible to participate in ESEP?

This program is open to all qualified active duty U.S. military and DOD civilians who are interested in applying. As a minimum, applicants must have completed a four-year program of studies in a scientific, engineering, or other related technical discipline from an accredited college or university, and also have extensive professional training and experience in their fields.

What is the typical duration of a personnel exchange assignment?

Participating U.S. and foreign personnel (and their dependents) are normally assigned for a period between 12 and 24 months. Extensions or shorter assignments will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Note that Department of the Navy (DON) candidates who have been selected for an overseas assignment may undergo up to six months of intensive language training prior to their departure.

Who funds the program?

Each country bears the full costs for executing its participation in the program. Specific program costs associated with DON participation in the ESEP are borne by the sponsoring organization and/or the participant's parent R&D establishment. Specifically, salary costs are the responsibility of the individual's parent R&D establishment while all permanent change of station (PCS) roundtrip costs and any language training costs are borne by the U.S. Navy International Programs Office (Navy IPO). Participating DON organizations shall provide the requisite manpower authorizations. Note that foreign ESEP participants likewise remain in the employ of their sponsoring governments during their stay in the United States and will have no adverse impact on local personnel spaces or funding.

Does an extended visitor have to submit a request every year?

The original visit request should specify the inclusive period of the visit. Normally, the original visit request should not exceed three years. If the visitor is subsequently extended, a new visit request must be submitted for the inclusive period of the extension.

Who is responsible for submitting official visit requests?

The official foreign visitor's Embassy located in the U.S. is responsible for submission of visit requests. A one-time or recurring visit request should be submitted 30 days in advance of the requested visit start date. Extended visit requests should be submitted 45 days in advance of the requested visit start date.

My organization has just had a foreign visitor report that is being assigned for an extended period. We have received no guidance relative to authorized disclosure levels and limitations. Who should we contact?

First you should check with your Security Office or Security Manager. All Disclosure Authorization letters are sent to the attention of Security Office personnel. If your security staff has no record of receiving the Disclosure Authorization letter, the cognizant Security Staff should contact Navy IPO (IPO-01D2 Branch) at 703-601-9858 for assistance.

How do I find out the status of a visit request?

First, contact the Point of Contact (POC) listed on the visit request. If you are not successful, or if you are the POC, call the Navy Office of Primary Responsibility (OPR) listed on the visit request. Prior to calling, have available as much information as you can gather, such as:

Visit Request Case ID (Example: JA00-A0001)
Name of Visitor(s)
Name of Activity/Facility to be visited
Date(s) of Visit

For further assistance, use the following HELP numbers:
Navy/(703) 601-9858
Army/ (703) 695-1959/1081/1091
USMC/(703) 6141668
AIR FORCE/(703) 703-588-8809
DIA/VIS/(703) 703-614-5273 or (703) 695-2189

How do I find a Point of Contact for my visit?

Call the Public Affairs Office (PAO) at the Activity/Facility to be visited.

Call the Security Office of the Activity/Facility to be visited.

Call CNO (N2L) for assistance as stated in 'The Guide for Foreign Attaches Accredited to the Department of the Navy'.

If the visit is related to Foreign Military Sales (FMS) call the applicable Country Desk Officer at Navy IPO or the applicable FMS Program Office staff.

What do I do when the Foreign Visit System (FVS) and/or my terminal link is down?

Call the Security Policy Automation Directorate (SPAD) HELP DESK AT the Pentagon: (703-) 692-9011 (DSN Prefix 222).

I want a copy of a document or the briefing, after the visit has been completed. How do I go about obtaining a copy?

Contact the Host of the visit for information on how and to whom to submit your request.

How do I know where to submit a visit request?

Visit request should be submitted to the OPR activity that has approval authority for the visit based on the purpose of the visit. Select the OPR from your on-line reference list of OPRs.

A Foreign Visitor shows up but I do not have any documentation that approves the visit. What should I do?

Verify the purpose of the visit requires a visit request by discussing with your Security Office. Verify that you Security Office has not received a request for this visit, or if delegated approval authority, approved the visit. If the visitor requires a visit request, and one has not been submitted AND approved, explain to the visitor what must be done prior to you being able hold discussions or host the visit.

Do I need a visit request to visit a ship, a shipyard or ride in an aircraft?

Yes, a visit for any of these purposes must be submitted a minimum of 30 days prior to the visit date(s).

How do foreign governments request documents?

Documents should be requested through the foreign embassy in Washington, D.C Instructions are provided in the "Guide for Foreign Attaches Accredited to the Department of the Navy" which is distributed to each Attaché that interacts with the Navy Department. Hyperlink to Guide.

If a foreign national has an ITO for training, does he also need a visit request?

An ITO can be used for things other than training, however, in the case of training at a military facility, the ITO is the appropriate paperwork to access the training command. The ITO provides details of where and when the training is to take place and information concerning the clearance granted the student by his own government. If the training is to be at a classified level the training command will also need a disclosure authorization letter from a command delegated authority or the Navy International Programs Office.

How does a foreign national get programmed for training?

All training is programmed through the Naval Education and Training Security Assistance Field Activity (NETSAFA).

Connect With Us!

Navy International Programs Office
1250 10th Street South East
Building 200
Washington Navy Yard, D.C. 20374

Office Contact:
T: 202-433-6800

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