Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

INTRODUCTION:  The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C. 552, generally provides any person with the statutory right of access to Government information in the Executive Branch agency records.  This right of access is limited when such information is protected from disclosure by one or more of the nine FOIA statutory exemptions.

1.  How to make a FOIA request for Army IG records: 

The FOIA request must be in writing and must provide an adequate description of the records being sought.  You may use the DAIG FOIA Request Form for this purpose.  The FOIA request may be sent to the Army IG FOIA office via the following delivery methods:

    Mail:  Office of the Inspector General
              ATTN:  SAIG-ZXR (Records Release)
              1700 Army Pentagon, RM 1E132
              Washington, DC  20310

    FAX:  (703) 545-4585

The FOIA request should be as specific as possible with regard to names, dates, time frames, places, events, subjects, etc.  In other words, describe the records being sought as accurately and definitively as possible.  The more specific the request is, the more likely we can conduct an accurate search for records responsive to the request. Ensure that your contact information (mailing address, e-mail, telephone number) are reflected in your FOIA request.  This information is necessary in the event that we need to reach you for additional information or clarification.

2.  Frequently requested Army IG reports:  The Army IG Records Release Office makes certain types of records available in the Reading Room, specifically  reports that fall under document category (a)(2)(D), “Records released to the public under the FOIA, that are or will likely become the subject of subsequent requests.”   You may review these reports by clicking this link: IG Reports.


3.  Expedited Processing:  Under certain conditions, you may be entitled to have your request processed on an expedited basis.  However, in an effort to treat all requesters equitably, DAIG will expedite a FOIA request only in cases in which there are exceptional factors, such as jeopardy to life or personal safety, threatened loss of substantial due process rights, or if the requester demonstrates a “compelling need.”  The requester can show compelling need by establishing that his or her failure to obtain the records quickly could reasonably be expected to pose an imminent threat to the life or physical safety of an individual, or if the requester is a person primarily engaged in disseminating information, by demonstrating that an urgency to inform the public concerning actual or alleged Federal Government activity exists.  You should include a statement in your FOIA request requesting for expedited processing, if applicable.

4.  DAIG Public FOIA Liaison:  If you are not satisfied with the service you received from the DAIG Records Release Office, you may contact Ms. Margaret B. Baines, FOIA Public Liaison, for assistance, (703) 545-4588.

5.  Other FOIA Resources:

DOD FOIA Office:

DOD IG FOIA Requester Service Center:

Department of the Army FOIA Office:
Last Modified: Feb 8, 2016