Ground and Sea Platforms (G&SP)

The G&SP COI provides a forum for discussion of topics associated with a broad range of platform technologies for both ground and sea systems. The portfolio examines concepts in modularity, survivability and mobility as the primary emphasis areas. In addition examination of required S&T for cost effective maintenance and sustainment of platforms is pursued in the portfolio.

  • Maintainability/Sustainability: Science and Technology that reduces life cycle cost, reduces logistics burden, increases reliability, and provides timely support of ground and sea platforms.  Areas of research include structural health monitoring, sustainment analysis tools, networked sustainment command and control, and high reliability structures and components.
  • Modularity: Science and Technology that standardizes and designs interfaces, subsystems, and components that allow functional elements to be used across or within platforms.  Areas of research include flexible designs for multi-mission adaptability, interoperable components and payloads, and platform infrastructure.
  • Mobility: Science and Technology focused on improving the mobility / maneuverability of ground and sea platform systems over all operational environments.  Areas of research include sea stability during intense maneuvering, land stability in aggressive terrain, high efficiency powertrain components, fuel economy, technologies enabling increased power generation, and amphibious maneuvering.
  • Survivability: Science and technology that provides protection to ground and sea platforms and their occupants while maintaining and enhancing ability to accomplish mission through development, evaluation, integration, maturation and testing of technologies integrated into the platforms.  Areas of research include platform centric approaches to threat defeat including active protection (hard and soft kill), ballistic protection, and hazard protection to include blast, shock, and fragmentation hazards and directed energy weapons.
  • Unmanned Ground and Sea Vehicles: Science and technology for maturation and integration of optionally manned competencies into ground and sea platforms to enhance force structure operational capabilities. Areas of research include conversion technologies for manned/unmanned operation and advanced unmanned vehicle development and integration concepts.

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