
NewsAnnouncements : Raising Awareness About Rabies - Protect Yourself, Family From Dangerous Viral Disease

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Raising Awareness About Rabies - Protect Yourself, Family From Dangerous Viral Disease


By Hospital Corpsman 2nd Class Kendal Bush

Department of Public Health

Whether you are a pet owner, a parent, an outdoor adventurer or a backyard explorer, there are steps you can take to protect you and your family from exposure to the rabies virus. 

Every year, an estimated 40,000 people in the United States receive a series of treatments, called rabies post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP), after potential exposure to rabies.  In addition, the U.S. public health cost associated with rabies is estimated to be as high as $500 million annually.  Annually, rabies results in more than 59,000 deaths worldwide – that is nearly one death every nine minutes.  Most deaths are reported from Africa and Asia, with almost 50 percent of the victims being children under the age of 15.  However, rabies can be prevented by eliminating exposure to the virus and appropriate vaccination.

The following are steps we can take to help prevent and control rabies:

-- Take Pets to a veterinarian for their rabies immunization. Make sure to take your pets, such as dogs and cats, to the veterinarian each year.  A veterinarian can make sure your pets are up-to-date on their rabies vaccine, which can protect them from contracting the disease.  This is important, since animals that have not received a rabies vaccine and are exposed to the virus must be quarantined or euthanized. In addition, talk to your veterinarian about spaying or neutering your pet.  This helps reduce the stray animal population, thereby decreasing the number of unvaccinated animals.

-- Keep away from wildlife and unfamiliar animals. More than 90 percent of all animal rabies cases reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) each year occur in wild animals.  The majority of animals affected by the rabies virus include raccoons, bats, skunks and foxes.  One of the best ways to protect yourself and your family is to avoid contact with wild animals. Do not feed or handle them, even if they seem friendly. Unfamiliar animals that are often thought of as pets, such as dogs and cats, should be avoided. These animals are often in contact with wildlife and can transmit rabies to humans.  If you see an animal acting strangely, report it to animal control services.  Some things to look for are:

* General sickness

* Problems swallowing

* Lots of drool or saliva

*   An animal that appears tamer than you would expect

* An animal that bites at everything

* An animal that’s having trouble moving or may even be paralyzed

-- If you come across a dead animal, never pick up or touch it.  The rabies virus may still be present in the saliva or nervous tissue, especially if they have only been dead for a short time.  If you see a dead animal, call animal control to take care of the animal’s body.

Stay rabies free in and around your home. No matter where you live, rabies can threaten your family’s health.  Fortunately, there are things you can do around the home to help reduce the risk of getting rabies.

* Keep your pets indoors.  When a dog goes outside, make sure an adult is there to watch it and keep it safe.

*Do not feed or put water for your pets outside, and keep garbage securely covered.  These items may attract wild animals or stray animals to your yard.

* Teach children never to handle wild animals or unfamiliar domestic animals.

* While most wild animals are primarily found outdoors, bats can sometimes fly into buildings.

You can learn more about rabies and how to protect your home at the CDC’s website for rabies at http://www.cdc.gov/rabies, and the number for Montgomery County Animal Services is 240-773-5900.