Reporting to OACSIM

New OACSIM Military or Civilian Hire

Reporting to OACSIM for Your First Day of Duty?

All newly assigned Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management (OACSIM) military personnel must report to the OACSIM Management Support Division, Pentagon, Room 5C140, on their first duty day for in-processing instructions.

All newly appointed (brand new employee to the Federal government) OACSIM civilian employees will report at 0800 to the Human Resources Management Directorate, 2530 Crystal Drive, Taylor Building, 8th floor, for initial processing. All other new civilian employees will report at 0830 to the OACSIM Management Support Division, Pentagon, Room 5C140 for in-processing.

If an escort is required for entrance to the Pentagon, the assigned sponsor, or designated representative, must provide the escort service. Please contact your sponsor directly to make arrangements.

If military or civilian newly assigned personnel have not been notified of their primary and/or alternate sponsor's name and phone number within five business days of arrival, please call (703) 695-7072/7048/7103/7127/7164 for more information.

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600 Army Pentagon Washington, D.C. 20310, United States

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