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Thursday, October 20 2016

Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR)
WRAIR WRAIR is the largest and most diverse biomedical research laboratory in the Department of Defense. Our main facility, the Daniel K. Inouye building, is located in Silver Spring, Maryland. Other laboratory and clinical facilities carry out research in Asia globe4.gif, Africa globe4.gif, and Europe globe4.gif through cooperative partnerships with host governments and militaries through the US State Department. Our greatest resources are the dedicated scientists, technicians, and support personnel who make up the core of the WRAIR today.
   Click here for all 2016 WRAIR Publications PDF Icon
   Click here for all 2015 WRAIR PublicationsPDF Icon
   Click here for WRAIR publications from prior years- 2014, 2013, 2012, and 2011

Last Modified Date: 15-October-2015

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