Government Portal

Steps to Access Proprietary Industry IR&D Data

Industry's Independent Research & Development (IR&D) data within the Defense Innovation Marketplace SEARCH is proprietary and access to search the database is restricted to Department of Defense (DoD) federal employees or military service members with a direct interest in technology development or S&T planning and that have a Common Access Card (CAC).

Please use the attached guide to help in your Search of the Marketplace.

First Time Users of IR&D Search

Access to the IR&D Secure Portal must be requested. Only DoD civilian employees and military members may request access, by providing the following information:

  1. Are you a Department of Defense (DoD) civilian employee or military service member with a Common Access Card (CAC)? (Only DoD civilian employees and military service members may request access.)
  2. Do you have a Defense Technical Information (DTIC) User ID?
    1. If yes, you need to provide it.
    2. If no, or if you no longer have your DTIC User ID, please visit the DTIC Registration Center to generate one:
      1. Go to
      2. Click on the "Register Now" link
      3. Click on the "Register with SMART Card DoD/ECA Card" button
      4. Select the Email Cert and continue
      5. The system will register your DoD CAC/ECA and generate an email with your UserID.  Please include that UserID in your email requesting access to the IR&D Secure Portal.
  3. What is your title and the organization in which you work?
  4. How will the IR&D Proprietary data help support your role at DoD?

Please CLICK HERE and send the information in the four question above to the email address provided. Once allowed access, you will receive an email with instructions from the Marketplace team.

Returning DOD Users
of the IR

If you are a returning user of the SEARCH tool,
click the button below to access the secure site.

If you have problems/questions