Evelyn Galvis, SLP

TBI NeuroRehab Clinic

Womack AMC, Fort Bragg, NC

"Coming to grips with the severity of my husband's injury has been a daunting task. Through SOCOM's Care Coalition we were informed about CAP and the assistance they would be able to provide in order for him to be productive and regain some control. My husband and I went to CAP's office at the Pentagon a couple of months following his injury. We met with various staff members who conducted an assistive technology assessment given his visual loss and limited dexterity with his left hand and demonstrated various devices and software programs that would be most suitable for him. It was very reassuring to know that these individuals worked as a team and had his best interest in mind. A year-and-a-half after my husband's injury, I was able to return to work. I obtained a new position at the TBI NeuroRehab Clinic at Womack Army Medical Center as one of the speech-language pathologists working with soldiers suffering from mild-to-moderately severe cognitive impairments due to blasts. I continue to use CAP's services for all of my patients' cognitive needs and know that they are always reliable, informative and efficient."