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Communication conditions may include stuttering, voice disorders, and articulation disorders.  Limitations could include difficulty projecting voice sounds loud enough to be heard by others or the inability to speak at all.

The categories listed below include products that can assist individuals with any number of limitations resulting from communication conditions.  Because there are so many potential solutions for communication limitations, CAP cannot list all possible accommodations.  The products listed below present a variety of unique features to accommodate an array of limitations and are most often certified for use on federal agencies’ networks.

Voice Amplifiers (4)

Voice Amplifiers are used to assist individuals who have communication limitations that prevent them from accomplishing essential job tasks.  They accomplish this by allowing an individual to amply their own voice to a volume that can be heard by others.

Word prediction software (1)

Word Prediction Software is used to assist individuals who have cognitive limitations that prevent them from accomplishing essential job tasks.  The software accomplishes this by allowing an individual to recall appropriate words.  The software predicts logical words, improves grammar, and sentence structure based on the contextual meaning of that sentence.