Michelle Johnson, OTR

Warrior Transition Unit

Fort Hood, TX

"CAP has been a tremendous asset to the Wounded Warriors that pass through Fort Hood, Texas. They have provided computerized assistive technology to those soldiers having deficits in the areas of cognition, dexterity, and vision. This technology has assisted our soldiers with being more independent in their home, work, and school environments. Some of the more frequent areas that assisted our soldiers, have been with: remembering appointments and meetings, medication management, taking notes in school, studying, remembering items needed when grocery shopping, and with traveling from point A to point B without getting lost. As provider, it has been refreshing to work with an agency that is excellent with customer service and works both in a timely and efficient manner. The CAP staff is friendly and willing to work with all sorts of crazy questions on our end. They are wonderful with assisting in problem solving appropriate equipment for the more involved cases. The CAP representatives also have been terrific with keeping abreast of new technology and knowing which devices may be easier for the soldier to use. CAP has provided training both online and on-site to our staff, and they also send out trainers to those soldiers receiving equipment that might need more in-depth instruction. CAP has also allowed Fort Hood to keep inventory on-site of the more frequently issued devices, so that the soldier is able to receive the device in a timelier manner. It has been a pleasure having CAP as one of the resources that the Wounded Warriors at Fort Hood can use."