
Dexterity conditions may include Quadriplegia, Paraplegia, Multiple Sclerosis, Cerebral Palsy, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Tendonitis, arthritis, sciatica, amputations or degenerative disc disease.  Limitations affecting mobility could include decreased range of motion in the arms, fingers, wrists, back or neck, and decreased muscle control, spasms, paralysis, tingling or numbness.

The categories listed below include products that can assist individuals with any number of limitations resulting from dexterity conditions.  Because there are so many potential solutions for dexterity limitations, CAP cannot list all possible accommodations.  The products listed below present a variety of unique features to accommodate an array of limitations and are most often certified for use on federal agencies’ networks.

These assistve technologies are designed to allow an individual to create an ergonomic workstation suited specifically for them.  For more information on this, please click here to view our Workplace Ergonomics Reference Guide.

AT Demonstration Video - Ergonomics
Learn about how an ergonomically correct work environment can help employees with limitations.

Alternative Keyboards (9)

Alternative keyboards are used to assist individuals who have dexterity limitations that prevent them from accomplishing essential job tasks.  They accomplish this by allowing and individual to adjust the tilt, angle, height and support of the keyboard they must use to perform computer related duties.

AT Demonstration Video - Alternative Keyboards
Improving ergonomics for people with dexterity limitations and upper extremity amputation, specifically looking at alternative keyboards and related accessories.

Alternative Pointing Devices (10)

Alternative pointing devices are used to assist individuals who have dexterity limitations that prevent them from accomplishing essential job tasks.  They accomplish this by allowing an individual to change the angle, tilt, location or layout of the device that controls the cursor.  These pointing devices can perform the same functions as a standard mouse and can aid individuals with dexterity limitations in performing essential computer duties.

Headsets/Microphones (2)

Headsets/Microphones are used to assist individuals who have dexterity limitations that prevent them from accomplishing essential job tasks.  They accomplish this they allowing an individual to interact with the computer in a different way.  The headsets allow an individual to listen to audio from the computer, while also allowing them to speak to the computer.  There are types of software that require a headset/microphone to function properly.

Large Print Keyboards (2)

Large print keyboards are used to assist individuals who have vision limitations that prevent them from accomplishing essential job tasks.  They accomplish this by allowing an individual to see the keys on the keyboard in a larger size and with a higher color contrast.  Some are specifically designed to work with screen magnification software and provide shortcut commands which allow users to control software directly from the keyboard.

Lumbar Support (4)

Lumbar Support devices are used to assist individuals who have dexterity limitations that prevent them from accomplishing essential job tasks.  They accomplish this by allowing an individual to insert various levels of support in various locations on their back or pelvic area, based on their limitations, while working from a seated position.

Monitor Risers and Arms (1)

Monitor Risers and Arms are used to assist individuals who have dexterity limitations that prevent them from accomplishing essential job functions.  They accomplish this by allowing an individual to position their monitor(s) at the most appropriate location, height, orientation, and angle based on their workstation setup and job requirements.

Sit-to-Stand Equipment (5)

Sit-to-Stand Equipment can be provided to DoD employees only to assist individuals who have dexterity limitations that prevent them from accomplishing essential job tasks.  This equipment sits on, or attaches to, an existing desk and allows the height of the monitor(s), keyboard and mouse to adjust enough so the individual can perform computer related work from a seated or standing position.

Speech Recognition (2)

Speech Recognition software is used to assist individuals who have dexterity limitations that prevent them from accomplishing essential job tasks.  It accomplishes this by allowing an individual to use voice commands rather a keyboard, mouse or other input device to access programs, applications and documents on a computer.  Speech recognition software can use voice commands to accomplish the same functions as a keyboard or pointing device.

AT Demonstration Video - Speech Recognition Software
Learn how speech recognition software can assist individuals with dexterity and cognitive limitations.

Telephone Headsets and Handsets (2)

Telephone headsets and handsets are used to assist individual who have dexterity or hearing limitations that prevent them from accomplishing essential job tasks.  They accomplish this by allowing an individual to speak on the phone without holding the handset, or providing additional amplification of the voices heard over the phone.

Voice Recorders (1)

Voice Recorders are devices that use a microphone to record audio information and save it in a digital format.  They can sort audio files into folders, play back information and download the information on a computer.