Policy Memos and Government Reports

Policy Memos and Government Reports

Multiple Sources of Perchlorate in the Environment pdf [516 KB]

This article details efforts to identify sources of the contaminant in the environment the majority of which appear to be from non-Defense related discharges.

DoD 2009 Overview of Perchlorate Information, Issues and Activities pdf [261 KB]
Findings from Perchlorate Sampling - Article from EM Journal pdf [536 KB]

Article co-authored by California Regulators and DoD personnel summarizes the process and findings of DoD-CA perchlorate prioritization effort and national efforts to find out if DoD a major contributor to perchlorate found in drinking water supplies.

EPA Health Advisory for Perchlorate - Jan 2009 pdf [361 KB]

EPA report on new Health Advisory Goal for perchlorate issued Jan 8, 2009

EPA Perchlorate Policy 2006 pdf [455 KB]

EPA Perchlorate guidance. This guidance replaces previous Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response (OSWER) guidance and the accompanying questions and answers (referenced below) regarding perchlorate under the National Contingency Plan, 40 CFR Part 300.

Mass DEP perchlorate- 310CMR22-07282006 pdf [236 KB]

Massachusetts was the first state in the nation to promulgate drinking water and waste site cleanup standards for the chemical perchlorate, setting the standard at 2 parts per billion (ppb).

Mass DEP Promulgates Perchlorate Standards pdf [150 KB]

Massachusetts was the first state in the nation to promulgate drinking water and waste site cleanup standards for the chemical perchlorate, setting the standard at 2 parts per billion (ppb).

DoD Perchlorate Handbook pdf [523 KB]

DoD Perchlorate Handbook Aug 2007

California Code - Perchlorate doc [454 KB]

The state of California has adopted an enforceable drinking water standards for perchlorate. The MCL of 6 ug/L will be effective October 18, 2007. The rule is at California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Chapter 15.


New Calif State Drinking Water Standard for Perchlorate

Statement of Reason doc [606 KB]

New Calif State Drinking Water Standard for Perchlorate

ATSDR Toxicological Profile for Perchlorates, September 2008 pdf [4.83 MB]

The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) has released a final perchlorate toxicological profile. The 299 page profile discusses health effects public health risk of perchorate exposure. The profile includes a Minimal Risk Level for oral exposures with a chronic reference dose (RfD) of 0.0007 mg/kg/day for the chronic oral MRL for the perchlorate anion. This value is based on a 2005 National Academy of Sciences report and is the value that EPA has also adopted. The results from newer studies did not change ATSDRs bottom-line recommendation.

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