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Product Lead for Enterprise Computing (PL EC) hosting AFCEA TechNet Augusta 2016 workshop

By Joshua Prible, PL EC

The Product Lead for Enterprise Computing (PL EC) announced that it will host a workshop from 0800-0900 on 3 August 2016 at the AFCEA TechNet Augusta 2016 conference. The workshop will cover two of PL EC’s initiatives: Army Application Migration and the Army Enterprise Service Desk (AESD).

Speakers include Ms. Johanna Curry, Project Officer for the Army Application Migration Business Office (AAMBO) and Mr. Dennis Kelly, Product Lead for Enterprise Computing.

Workshop topics will include:

  • How the Army will rationalize its portfolio of systems and applications
  • The Army’s migration process and AAMBO’s role in tracking and reporting the movement of applications across the enterprise
  • Discussion on FedRAMP and DoD’s Provisional Authorization processes and how the Army leverages this existing data for assessment and authorization
  • Discussion on cloud services contract requirements and how to manage the risk of using non-DoD federal contracts for DoD cloud
  • Plans for shared support, common/utility services implementation, and security services for all enterprise environments
  • What is the Army Enterprise Service Desk (AESD) Federation and who does it serve?
  • Various initiatives under AESD
  • Discussion of AESD Strategic goals for the near term

One hour of Continuing Education Units (CEUs) are available for participating in this workshop.

About PL EC
PL EC provides future-focused solutions that modernize and optimize enterprise information technology activities through cost-effective and policy-compliant delivery of cutting edge infrastructure and services. PL EC is identified as the lead for cloud initiatives identified by the Department of Defense and Army as they are develop and are matured to a point requiring program management support. One of PL EC’s key initiatives is The Army Application Migration Business Office (AAMBO). AAMBO is the Army’s central office for application migration, providing planning support for the movement of approximately 12,000 applications to enterprise environments.

About AESD
AESD provides the single point of contact for all LandWarNet (LWN) IT service requests, issues, or inquiries. The AESD provides round the clock support services to Army sites and functional organizations. It is the primary point of contact for LWN IT service consumers in CONUS and is integrated with the Army NetOps facilities providing IT service operations within each of the theaters. The AESD provides the focal point for coordination with DOD and Army support organizations.

Posted July 14, 2016


By Mr. Robert G. Medley, RCAS Public Affairs Officer

Mr. Padden, PM I3C2, presents Mr. Lujan with the RCAS Charter.
Mr. Padden, PM I3C2, presents Mr. Lujan with the RCAS Charter.

Mr. Dennis J. Lujan was introduced as the new Reserve Component Automation Systems (RCAS) Product Lead (PL), during an Assumption of Charter ceremony hosted by the Project Manager, Installation Information Infrastructure Communications and Capabilities (I3C2), Mr. Michael Padden on July 11, 2016, at Fort Belvoir, Virginia.

Mr. Lujan assumes his new position as the 11th RCAS PL after serving as the Division Director and Information Security Officer in the Office of Technology Solutions under the Office of the Chief Financial Officer for the Environmental Protection Agency. Mr. Lujan started his federal career in the U.S. Army in 1992 serving 20 years of active military service in operational and generating force units-culminating in an Honorable Discharge in 2012. Upon retiring, he continued his federal service as a civil servant with the Department of Veterans Affairs and most recently with the Environmental Protection Agency in Washington D.C.

During service with the Department of Veterans Affairs, Mr. Lujan served as Senior Program Manager overseeing corporate initiatives such as the Integrated Acquisition Program, Construction Management, Software Integration and Business Process Improvements. Mr. Lujan was later assigned to the Veterans Health Administration as the principle interagency liaison to a Joint Department of Defense / VA integrated electronic health record program. He also served as a principal advisor to the interagency Clinical Informatics Board and provided executive oversight of all joint business requirement packages going to the board for executive decision.

Among Mr. Lujan’s many military decorations are the Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal and the Army Commendation Medal. Mr. Lujan is a graduate of the Command and General Staff Officer Course and holds a Masters Degree in Business Administration from the Florida Institute of Technology and a Masters in Criminal Justice Administration from Oklahoma City University.

Mr. Lujan’s awareness and understanding of both the military and civil service will help shape RCAS now and in the future. We welcome him as part of the RCAS Team.

Mr. Sajjan (Saj) M. George, continues his role as the RCAS Deputy PL after serving the past seven months as the Acting PL; he received the Army Achievement Medal for Civilian Service during the ceremony.

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Posted July 13, 2016

Sergio Alvarez Named Product Lead, EC2M

By Robert J. Butner, Strategic Communications, Project Director Enterprise Services

On June 17, 2016, Sergio Alvarez was named Product Lead (PL) for Enterprise Content Collaboration and Messaging (EC2M) during a ceremony held at Fort Belvoir, Virginia. The ceremony was hosted by Thomas Neff, Project Director for Enterprise Services (PD ES). Mr. Alvarez received the charter from outgoing PL John Howell.

"Sergio, today we welcome you into the family of PMs. I have been lucky enough to have known you and your wife for over a decade. You are part of that ever expanding list of PM J-AIT alumni that have gone on to running EIS programs. Who could ever have guessed that program was going to turn out to be an incredible incubator for future PMs,” Mr. Neff remarked during the ceremony.

As head of EC2M, Mr. Alvarez will manage a team of over 100 government and contractor personnel acquiring, fielding and performing life cycle sustainment of technology and services for some of the highest priority Army Chief Information Officer Enterprise technology projects and initiatives including Army Knowledge Online (AKO), DoD Enterprise Email (DEE), DoD Enterprise Portal Service (DEPS), and Unified Capabilities (UC).

“I am humbled to have been given the opportunity to lead what I believe is one of the best organizations in the PEO. My predecessor built an exceptional team and I look forward to working with everyone as we continue to support the Army,” said Mr. Alvarez.

Formerly the EC2M Deputy, Alvarez was instrumental in the fusion of the separate legacy project teams of Army Knowledge Online (AKO), Defense Enterprise Email (DEE) and Unified Communications (UC) during the formation of EC2M. Mr. Alvarez has held many other leadership positions throughout the PEO EIS portfolio of programs, as well as serving six years active duty as a U.S. Marine. He was joined at the ceremony by his wife, Sandy, and their three children.

Posted July 11, 2016