PEO EIS Programs

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Mr. Wiltsie Keynotes AFCEA Belvoir Luncheon

By Ellyn Kocher, PEO EIS Public Affairs

AFCEA Ft. Belvoir Luncheon
Photos courtesy of Silas Eng Photography and AFCEA Belvoir.

Mr. Douglas Wiltsie, PEO EIS, keynoted the annual Fall AFCEA Belvoir luncheon at the Fort Belvoir, Va., Officer's Club Sept. 25. The luncheon was attended by over 200 industry and government AFCEA Belvoir chapter members, and provided an overview of PEO EIS' current and future requirements and priorities for fiscal year 2014. Mr. Wiltsie's briefing slides are available for download.

Posted September 27, 2013

AESIP Changes Charter, Welcomes New Project Manager to PEO EIS

By Judith Avery, AESIP Public Affairs

COL Harry Culclasure receives the AESIP Charter from Mr. Douglas Wiltsie.
Photos by William Hitchcock, PEO EIS Media Division
COL Harry Culclasure receives the AESIP Charter from Mr. Douglas Wiltsie.

Mr. Douglas Wiltsie, Program Executive Officer Enterprise Information Systems, hosted the change of charter ceremony for the Army Enterprise Systems Integration Program (AESIP) Aug. 15 at the Defense Acquisition University at Fort Belvoir, Va. In the ceremony, COL Pat Flanders relinquished the duties and responsibilities outlined in the AESIP charter to COL Harry Culclasure, the new AESIP Project Manager.

LTC Heather Putman, AESIP Technical Director, served as the narrator for the program. Following an invocation given by Dr. Dave Powers, Project Director, Force Management System, PEO EIS, flowers were presented to the spouses, Mrs. Kelley Flanders and Mrs. Margaret Culclasure.

Mr. Wiltsie then presented COL Flanders with the Legion of Merit award and offered comments about COL Flanders, who served as Project Manager of AESIP for four years. Following his presentation, Ms. Terry Watson, Deputy PEO, also spoke of COL Flanders and presented mementos.

COL Flanders receives the Legion of Merit from Mr. Wiltsie.
COL Flanders receives the Legion of Merit from Mr. Wiltsie.

COL Flanders was cited for his impressive accomplishments in setting the strategic direction for four programs, including two Major Automated Information System programs. He led several hundred program office and system integrator team personnel and executed programs with a combined lifecycle value of over $9.2 billion in support of the Army's national and tactical logistics enterprise, while achieving a positive return on investment.

"COL Flanders significantly improved Army logistics," Mr. Wiltsie commented, "as well as positioning the programs for continued success in transforming business processes. Pat's contributions to the Army's overall combat effectiveness and modernization of the Army's enterprise logistics systems were monumental in scope. He applied a soldier's understanding of the complex, interrelated tasks required to achieve ready and responsive logistics while leading the adoption of transformational capabilities in Army logistics."

Mr. Wiltsie welcomed COL Culclasure to the PEO EIS family, noting that his background has well equipped him to assume leadership of AESIP. COL Culclasure is a former PM for Consequence Management. He graduated from The Citadel and was commissioned into the Field Artillery in 1991. He served in numerous tactical assignments both CONUS and OCONUS. He deployed to Kuwait in 2002 and served in Operation Iraqi Freedom as the Contingency Contracting Branch Chief for the 3d Infantry Division. He is also the former PM for Consequence Management, working with DoD specialized consequence management units providing Rapid Acquisition / Rapid Fielding, analytical labs, communications, Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) solutions and sustainment support.

Mr. Wiltsie remarked in closing: "COL Culclasure, I know you will do a great job. You have our confidence and support and we look forward to great things."

Posted September 04, 2013

AcqBusiness Brings Stakeholders Together for the First Army Acquisition Business Enterprise Forum

By Carla Faison, Strategic Communications, AcqBusiness

The Product Manager, Acquisition Business (PdM AcqBusiness) held the first Army Acquisition Business Enterprise Forum (AABEF) for Army acquisition stakeholders at the Metro Park Conference Center in Alexandria, Va., Oct. 30-31. The theme for the two-day event was "Developing Innovative Capabilities for the Army Acquisition Community."

The intent of the AABEF was to bring together representatives from various Program Executive Offices (PEO) and the Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics and Technology (ASA[ALT[) to learn more about AcqBusiness capabilities, and provide a platform for open dialogue about data collection processes, requirements and stakeholder priorities. The forum was well-attended, with 28 participants representing ASA(ALT), Office of Business Transformation, U.S. Army Acquisition Support Center (USAASC), Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC), Capabilities Integration Center (ARCIC), as well as seven of the 12 PEOs.

Product Manager LTC Delisa Hernandez opened the event with an overview of the program’s mission, governance and organization structures, strategic vision, and the way ahead. She spoke about aligning capabilities to the Department of Defense (DoD) business enterprise architecture and other end-to-end processes that support DoD 5000.2. Her presentation was followed by Mr. Joseph Brito, Deputy Director of the ASA(ALT) Performance Assessment and Root Cause Analysis (PARCA) Office.

Mr. Brito presented an overview of the combat developer role and how PARCA interacts with AcqBusiness. He provided an update on efforts to establish a reporting policy for ACAT II and III programs, a Better Buying Power (BBP) initiative to measure non-ACAT I performance, and discussed formalizing the expanded use of the Defense Acquisition Management Information Retrieval (DAMIR) system for ACAT I reporting. His presentation sparked a conversation about authoritative data sources for ACAT II and III programs. As a result, attendees requested further discussions about data reporting policies and data sources. AcqBusiness is currently making plans to host an “authoritative data working group” early in 2014.

Ms. Lareina Adams’, Deputy Product Manager for AcqBusiness, brief focused on the materiel developer’s role in the requirements process and how AcqBusiness processes requirements for new capabilities.

Mr. Shawn Faunce and Ms. Sonya Rahmani, members of the Systems Integrator Team, facilitated a presentation entitled “Innovation Requires Stakeholder Commitment.” Ms. Pamela Henderson, Division Chief for USAASC Operations, Plans, Strategy and Analysis shared her experience developing USAASC’s Army Acquisition Workforce (AAWF) Dashboard while utilizing agile software development, a methodology which focuses on frequent collaboration with stakeholders during the development process.

The remainder of the agenda for day one included:

  • AcqBusiness Capability Overview – Mr. Ken Waldrop, Chief, Advance Planning Group
  • Access Request and Training Program – Mr. Chris Devens, Systems Integrator Team
  • Spotlight Demo: Army Acquisition Dashboard – Mr. Chris Devens, Systems Integrator Team
  • Identify ‘To Be’ AcqBusiness Model and Discuss Targeted Opportunities – Ms. Sonya Rahmani, Systems Integrator Team, and Mr. Bob Hairfield, Technical Advisor

The second day of the forum began with a continuation of the “Targeted Opportunities” discussion, and concluded with a tour of the AcqBusiness “Agile Development” room.

The AABEF resulted in greater awareness of the AcqBusiness program and capabilities, and an informative and lively dialogue about how PEOs and program and product managers collect, report and share information. Surveys revealed a majority of participants viewed the AABEF as a great opportunity to collaborate with other stakeholders in the Army acquisition community, and recommended that AcqBusiness continue to host the AABEF on a semiannual or annual basis.

Links to photos of the event

Posted September 01, 2013